Stomp Out the Corona
The enemy wants to parade around wearing a crown like a king and to have the radiance like a corona but all he has is a counterfeit of the radiance of God’s glory.
Those who truly know The LORD know that nothing can counterfeit God’s true glory, which is His Son. Anyone who tries to counterfeit the true glory of God is nothing more than a MORON. Just switch the letters and see who the enemy truly is.
He is truly dense to think he can con God’s remnant Bride. Jesus comes to give abundant life and the false one comes only to steal, kill and destroy! The only way the enemy can get any glory or honor is by terrorizing God’s people.
In the beginning, Satan was called Lucifer the covering cherub, which was a worship leader, made up of musical instruments. He had a radiance upon him of beauty and light.
He wasn’t satisfied with his position from God and got jealous of the One who has the true radiance and glory of the Father that he could never have. He is still trying to counterfeit God’s glory to con and lead multitudes astray.
He comes with fury against those who love the Son and this virus is only the beginning of the manifestations of his fury against us, but we overcome him by The Blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, as we love not our lives unto the death.
We have the choice to stand on God’s Word and use our Sword against the fear and confusion and chaos or give in to him and allow him to take us over. It is too close to the end to do that.
We must stand up and take charge over him and say “no more” will he try to rule and control us. God has given us the freedom to choose life and life abundantly!
Many will rise up and use their authority and run toward the enemy. They will not retreat. They will follow the leading of The LORD as He leads us in this battle against the enemy of our soul.
The enemy is such a con artist that he has conned himself to think he has the upper hand. The LORD will allow him to go so far before He finishes him off where he will fall into his own snare.
He will surely reveal his identity that he is trying to obscure because when he is revealed he has lost his power.
Father, bring to light what we need to see so we can throw the stone just like King David did right between the eyes. This giant surely will fall, in Jesus’ Name.
~ Yolanda Ballard
Yolanda Ballard of At The Father’s Feet website, shares with you, the body of Christ, the words she’s received quietly sitting at the Father’s feet. I believe Jesus set the example for us to follow. Whenever He could He would come apart from the busyness of the world so that He could quiet Himself before the Father, for that is where He received direction and strength to carry out His will.