Steps in the Right Direction
“Don’t look so far ahead that you cannot see what is directly in front of you to do,” says The LORD.
“You need not live your future today, but take the steps in the right direction. You have things to do today that are just as important as your future, for what you do today will become building blocks that will sustain what will be.
“Do not wait for something great to happen when I have given you work to do now. DO what you can while you anticipate the good things that will come,” says The LORD.
“WORK IS WORK and what you do right now counts,” says The LORD.
“Preparation is just as important as the performance, for you must make sure not to skip steps because of your impatience. Let there be a sound building for what I have called you to do, so that there is no weakness that will cause what will be to crumble and fall.
“Be patient in the process, for I AM building you, making you, tempering you, fashioning you, so that you will be perfectly ready to do all that I have called and equipped you to do for My Kingdom purpose and for My Glory,” says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Oh thank you so much ABBA Father. I love you. Thank you sister.
Thank you for postinhg His word ongoing, for tho the words may speak to many, He does all things well, and so they each have spoken immediately to me and my specific needs and need for comfort, assurance, and direction. May God of us, and of Abraham Isaac and Jacob be praised. May His saints be sanctified for the coming days. May we continue to hear and know Him in ever increasing measure. May His Word go forth and reach ears and hearts who have not heard. Father, let those who have not heard of Jesus, but who wonder at the intricacy around them, and splendid creatures You have created,—see visions of Your Glory and see their Creator. Help us to humbly and boldly draw upon Your strength, knowledge, wisdom,, lYour will, Your ove, and so llive. In Christ, amen
Wow! This dovetails beautifully with Oswald Chambers Utmost devotion for today, 10/21. Jude 20 was his verse “But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost”
Thank you for your ongoing sensitivity to Him.