HomeProphecyStepping Into the Heavenly Realm NOW!


Stepping Into the Heavenly Realm NOW! — 1 Comment

  1. Glory, Hallelujah! Thanks for the edifying word bro. Ron.
    “There is a New and Greater wave of My Glory coming”!  Word I received in a dream, under a heavy anointing, waking up bathed in His Presence! Spring 2009, Seven, 7 Years Ago
    We’ve walked in the two fold glory of The Son.and The Spirit, 30,60 Fold, Fruit, More Fruit. Good, Acceptable, Passover, Pentecost, But what is coming upon Us, The Body of Christ, The Dead IN Christ, The Bride OF Christ, ZION Is that 3-Fold Glory of The Fullness of God. The Anointing Without Measure upon Many who have passed thru “The Crucible of The Cross”. “If Any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”
    Thru contempt, shame and suffering, death and burial, (Isaiah 49th Chapter,brings us thru, To Isaiah 60:19) Unto A Glorious Resurrection! Ps 88:8 “Behold, Thou shalt show wonders to the dead, The Mighty ones shall rise and praise thee”!
    Our redemption is at hand. Resurrection Awaits, mighty ones Arise, The Manifestation of the Sons of God! Romans 17:17-23. Into that Three Fold Transfiguration Glory, of The Son, Holy Spirit, AND Father’s Glory, 30,60 100 Fullness!
    Fruit, More fruit, Much Fruit Fullness! Good, Acceptable, Perfect Fullness! Passover, Pentecost,Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) FULLNESS!
    “Master, its good for us to be here, Let us make 3 booths, one for you (Father), Moses (The Law,Word), and Elijah.” (Fire, Spirit) Peter, Mount Transfiguration.
    “The set time, NOW, Yea the time to favor her, Zion has come!  When The Lord Builds up Zion, He shall appear in His Glory, our Lord Jesus Christ shall be revealed from heaven.(building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost). When He comes to be glorified in His saints. The Lord is exalted, he has filled Zion with justice and righteousness.
    NOW Will I Arise, says The Lord, I will be exalted, Arise, Shine for thy light is come, I am glorified in the eyes of The Lord, they shall call thee The Zion of The Holy One of Israel”Psalm 102:13,16, Jude 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, Isaiah 33:5-10,49:5,23 60:1-14.
    Shalom, Robert

    “Beautiful for situation, the Joy of the Whole earth, is Mount Zion, As we have heard, so have we seen in the city of our God, God will establish it Forever, let Zion Rejoice”! Psalms 48:2,8,11.

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