Step Into Your Dreams!
“Today I call you forward to step into your dreams. I place My hands upon many of you to partner with your dreams.
Now I call you forward, step out and step in.
There are many of you who have placed high value upon your dreams, your goals.
My love fills you and moves you forward. Take hold of that which I placed deep inside of you.
My people, I have placed healing deep down in your hearts. Also I placed prayer and intercession. This spring will bring great anointing and blessing before you all.
Now, My people there is a new level of excitement upon you. I shall change this season, expect, hold on to your excitement. Your dreams will come. Your dreams will be glorious.
Even now I place new dreams upon you. Watch, look, seek what I place inside you. My heart flows over you and into you. My hand guides you.”
~ Deb Zickafoose