Spiritual Conflict
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You Are Unique and Special
“I have made you unique and special,” says The LORD.
“What I give you is exclusively yours, because you are like none other. No one can duplicate you or do precisely what I have called you to do.
“You cannot be replaced or exchanged for another. Others may try to mimic you, parrot what you say, try to take your place and eliminate you, but they cannot.
“Your position in Me is fixed and your calling sure. Do not try to be like another, for you are to only imitate ME.
“You do not have to dot your I’s or cross your t’s like others to try to fit in the mold of someone else’s making. You need not even try to fit in the religious circles or try to please them.
“For I will lead and guide you into all truth, and the rituals of man are not what get My attention. Your love and faith and obedience to Me is what I AM watching.
“Just follow Me and do what I ask you to do, whether you are understood, accepted, applauded or not. Do not bend to the whims and wishes of others, for I want you to conform to My will and purpose and plan for your life,” says The LORD.
“I have called you into My Kingdom and given you the authority to do what I have commissioned you to do,” says The LORD.
“I AM your covering. I will under gird you. I will surround you. I AM with you to empower you, protect you, lead you, guide you, teach you, and use you for MY GLORY.
“I AM The LORD. There is none other like Me, and there is none other like you. I made you the way I wanted to and said you are good. I did not make any mistakes.
“You are My own workmanship, and I will complete you, perfect what concerns you and finish you. Do not lament over the disconnections from others who have pressured you to conform to their religious rhetoric and formulas, formats and doctrines of man.
“For I have not rejected you or cast you aside. Although you desire to have approval, let My approval be what you seek.
“I will lead and guide you and instruct you by My Spirit and I will confirm My WORD to you as often as you need ME too.
“Just be content with who I have created you to be and be happy with the calling you have, and be zealous unto every good work that I have called you to fulfill.
“Do not get discouraged when you are separated from their company of others because you are not like them.
“I will partner with you and use you mightily as you walk with Me and follow the unique plans that I have for you, and you will then finish well,” says The LORD.
Spiritual Conflict
“Your battle is not against people, places, things, regions or situations, but it is a spiritual conflict,” says The LORD.
“DO not try to use physical force. The wisdom of the world will not equip you to succeed. Psychological strategies will not help. For it is devils and the kingdom of darkness that you are combating against.
“The forces of darkness oppose the light in you. But you must use the weapons that I have given you to overcome, overpower and overwhelm them.
“Nothing else will empower you to defeat the enemy forces that have been assigned against you to distract you, depress you, defeat your purposes in Me and discourage you.
“You must stand against the evil all around you and be fully armed in Me and My Spirit,” says The LORD.
“It is by My Spirit that you will be able to have complete victory,” says The LORD.
“The enemy is not bigger than Me. I AM the greater One within you. I cannot be bound, defeated, detained, delayed, or destroyed.
“Neither can you. Stand up and fight in the realm of MY SPIRIT and use what I have given you, so that you can push back the enemy and claim new territory for My Kingdom, and release the captives that have been held in bondage.
“You must not fear the opposition, for I have commissioned My Angels to protect you, and you will have ultimate victory if you will recognize the enemy and fight against the kingdom of darkness, destroy the works of the enemy, proclaim liberty to the captives, loose the prisoners, and enforce My Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, by My Spirit,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
So beautiful and so encouraging! I’m sharing with many of my contacts plus my Facebook page!
Woohoo, ABBA, you are absolutely phenomenal…there is none like you. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you dear sister.
Amen Herre
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