Spending Time Wisely
Spend as much time in the Presence of God as you do in ministry and you will be a well balanced minister of the Gospel.
Spend double the amount of time in the Presence of God than you spend in ministry and you will be an exceptional minister of the Gospel.
Spend less time in the Presence of God than you do in ministry and you will probably have more to say than Him!
Our time with our Father directly impacts upon our effectiveness in being vessels of His Presence whereby He may communicate Himself to His people.
Powerful ministries are the fruit of men and women who spend much time in the Presence of a Powerful God, and who as a result are impacted by His Presence in a Powerful way!
~ Johann van der Hoven
Johann van der Hoven has been in service of the Lord since 1991 and has hosted numerous mass revival meetings in South Africa and abroad and is a published author. He is the visionary of Fellowship of the Believers, host to “Eagle Food” Apostolic & Prophetic Seminars, and currently pioneers “Deeper Life” Revival School International, from South Africa where he resides. For more info visit www.sonsofsovereignty.com
Absolutely right.