HomeBiblical TeachingSpeaking in Tongues


Speaking in Tongues — 9 Comments

  1. I am like RSG above, a Christian many years, been prayed for,had hands laid upon me,sought God concerning the gift of tongues yet no. I was taught by 1 person to open my mouth & let noises come out, I felt that was me, not Holy Spirit. I’ve felt blocked & inferior because people act like I have to have the gift of tongues. I’ve read the passage that speaks of some 1 gift, some another. I desire the gift cause there’s too much I can’t pray about properly, I want to be complete to lead my family. At 71 my mind doesn’t think as well as it did, I need Holy Spirit more than ever.

    • As I wrote in the post below, Paul never mentions the Holy Spirit when he talks about spiritual “gifts”, he clearly says that if I speak in an “unkwown”language it is MY OWN spirit which speaks TO not “from” God.
      Therefore your experience is correct, the words from you are from your own spirit, and we know our own spirit is not holy.

      Those who speaks in an unkwown language can choose when to speak contrary to the Holy Spirit which you cannot control because He is FROM God and you never know when or if He will speak to you again because God speaks only in His perfect time.

      This confusion is one of the reasons the disciples asks Jesus “how” shall we pray? Because surely the same deception concerning the tounge speaking of cause existed at that time as well which is a reason Paul brought it up.
      And Jesus answer is NOT that the disciples shall pray “in tounges” but the prayer “Our Heavenly Father…”
      In their own well known language.

      Blessings, in Christ

  2. There is a dreadful dearth of correct teaching about speaking in tongues. I had a breakdown after pressure by well meaning Christian’s to do it, had to have counselling and time off work. Years later, God gave me this wonderful gift. It has been such a comfort. What a blessing! Thank you Ken. God bless you.

  3. How comes that the toungedseaking has been so severe misunderstood?
    Paul clearly says that when I speak in tounges it is “My” spirit that speaks, he never says Holy Spirit. He also says that the same spirit speaks TO God.

    The difference between “my”spirit and the Holy Spirit is that the Holy Spirit speaks “from” God.

    When God speaks He speaks in an (well) known, not “unknown” language which is the reason everybody heard and understood what God said in their own ( known) languages.

    You can speak in an ( to the world) unknown tounge but when you do it it is YOUR spirit which edifyes only yourself contrary to the Holy Spirit who edifyes the whole congregation as the example at Pentecost.

  4. So, I one hundred percent believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  I have prayed for it.  I have experienced significant increases in power, the ability to cast out demons and to see greater and deeper revelations in scripture.  I have had visions, some prophetic in nature, dreams and oersonal revelations given by God.  Yet, no gift of tongues.  When I search the scriptures, U see this event you refer to, where the participants are called specifically to evangelism, needing the gift of tongues to reach the varied culture they lived in.  Yet I also read 1 Corinthians 12:30, part of a paasage where Paul explains that different gifts are given to different parts of the body appropriate for their intended jobs in the kingdom.  I see specifically that not every gift is given to every person.  My calling is not evangelism, though I have led people to the Lord.  I am not poorly taught as I read the scriptures and seek the Lords instruction through the Holy Spirit daily.  I would welcome any gift of the Spirit should the Lord decide to use me in a new way.  Can you really, in all honesty, tell me that my Christian walk is inferior because the Lord has not chosen to give me one specific gift, when Has been so generous to me with others.  Please reconcile this teaching with 1 Corinthians 20, so I understand.  As someone left out in the cold concerning tongues, I truly desire to know how this works.

    • Anybody?  I truly want to know. If everyone is truly entitled to this gift, how do I pray for it.  I have repented, asked, begged, fasted, studied, prayed again and again.  I feel a greater power.  Many prayers being answered almost instantly.  Many answers again, almost instantly, but no tongues.  Can someone with a prophetic gift please ask the Lord for me?  Life is too hard to live with less than everything the Lord has for us.

    • RSG, I can attest to what you have written. I’ve been following the Lord since 2002 and have been operating in many other gifts by the power of God; prayed for others who have received their healing, and have been prepared, and on my way to some great things for the Kingdom of God.
      As a matter of fact, I recently prayed to the Lord for someone to explain about it so I can better understand. Then Pastor Dewey wrote on it, and so I’ve been seeking the Lord once again. It seems to me that the Lord will do it in His timing.
      I have read where Evangelist Billy Graham believed in the gift of tongue s, but he never spoke in tongues.
      So, I’ve come to the conclusion if the Lord wants me to have it, He will do so.

  5. Speaking in tongues makes the whole spiritual side of life a reality. There is no effort made to speak your Spirit Language, it happens to me mostly when I’m walking my dog and my mind is at ease! I look like a old man talking to himself but that is normal!
    I received this gift 40 years ago by the laying of hands by members of my church.

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