HomeProphecy2024Speak Honor, Give Honor, Receive Honor, Restore Honor


Speak Honor, Give Honor, Receive Honor, Restore Honor — 8 Comments

    • Good Morning, Charlotte, I so receive that lovely prayer of blessing. And send love and blessings to you for an awesome day! Sandi Holman

  1. Just to know Sandi, I am so,,, behind in comments that I have meant to post. I read this yesterday and it was a blessing to me.
    I decreed, declared and asked a long with you and I’m sure many others!
    Thank you for this beautiful powerful article. We have to keep speaking words of life!
    I love and appreciate you my sister ❤️

    • My friend, Joyce. I just read your message on my phone and I appreciate your agreement and encouragement. There is so much power when hearts are bonded in agreement. Love and all of God’s best to to you, Sandi

  2. I declare I stand with you Sandi at each of these declarations you’ve made here! Yes and Amen! Also:
    I declare I will honor GOD with my time!
    I declare I will honor GOD with my talents!
    I declare I will honor GOD with my body!
    I declare I will honor GOD with my treasures!
    I declare I will honor GOD with my heart!
    LORD, May HOLY SPIRIT make me more like YOU in each and every way! Yoked to you and in perfect step! Abiding in you and bearing much fruit!
    Thank you Sandi!

    • Dear Marc, As you know declare and decree is to establish it! I appreciate your heart of unity and agreement so much. It was a beautiful surprise to get your heart warming email with a song that ranks among 3 of my most favorites songs I sing to the Lord as I enter my prayer time..Only God prompted your sweet obedient heart to send in a moment I needed to hear God answer my heart cries. thank you is not enough….forever grateful, Sandi

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