Sons of God…
Perhaps it would be helpful to go back and quote all of this particular verse: “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” (Romans 8:15).
I can tell you from studying it recently, if you go through the Bible looking up the term ‘sons of God,’ you are going to have a busy and lengthy search. Can I say humbly, that it seems that the Spirit, was not finished with the topic from the last post. It appears, that we need to talk more, about following and being led by the Spirit. I have a vague idea of what He might want said here; if He will only help me.
A lot of folk are using great swelling words these days. I’m not sure who started it, but you hear quite often someone say, “He is a real man of God…. or, she is a real woman of God.” It might be a good teaching of a sort, but it sometimes, has a strange ring to it. There really are great men and women of God; there always have been. But these possessed certain kinds of attributes, that doesn’t always apply to those today who are being named so. According to at least two scripture references here already, these are going to have to be led by the Spirit and they are going to have to also be peacemakers. I don’t want to sound naïve, because I know there will be other scriptures that refer to the sons of God. But, Paul seemed very clear.
Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten a bit older, but I’ve come to believe that so many things are much more simple than we often make them. Humans, are notorious for complicating things; making it easy when it’s very hard, or making it hard, when it really is very easy and even simple. It makes real sense, that someone who is being led by the Spirit, will without doubt, be manifesting the fruit of the Spirit. May I stop a moment, and state just how needed and necessary that fruit is today. Go over them in your mind. We can’t please or sway everybody, but can we imagine, just how much easier things would be among we people, if we all strived to truly manifest this kind of fruit to each other. Well, I hate to sound too brash, but the real sons of God and the true children of God, do exactly that. It’s who they are.
All of us know quite well, what kind of things happen, when people follow after the flesh. If we should feel, that following after the flesh is not such a big deal, then, we need to go back and read what the works of the flesh are. It might sound odd, to say things get somewhat slanted, when men and women, follow themselves. Actually, that doesn’t sound so way off after all; it might explain why some escapades end up so fouled up.
It is easier, to refer to just how much can go awry, when men and women, also follow after other men and women. If we’re following after certain people and they are not following or being led by the Spirit, it’s no wonder that so many of us got crossed up or hurt. The Holy Ghost, was not a part of that; it just wasn’t.
I hope I can humbly suggest, that all of us who profess to be sons and daughters of God, go back and reread, maybe even write down some things. First of all, read the scriptures that tell us, how love acts.
Go over once more, how wisdom from above conducts itself. Perhaps, write out, the true characteristics of people who truly have the baptism of the Holy Spirit; what is the fruit, that goes with it. These, are the people of God. We can call them sons, daughters, children or any other term. But, this is the way people act, if they are really following the Spirit. We’re not perfect yet, and it appears we’re not going to be for a while yet.
But sweet water, should be flowing from our inner well; at least, most of the time. The real sons of God, love one another; they actually found that, in the Spirit.
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