HomeProphecySomebody Has Slimed You


Somebody Has Slimed You — 9 Comments

  1. One other lesson I was taught was Galatians 6:9: Be not deceived for God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man (or woman) sows that shall he/she will reap.” This is a spiritual law. Sowing and Reaping.

    Somewhere in their future they will reap the consequences for what they have done.  Often, this principle is communicated as “What goes around comes around. Another way is karma. “You do good things you will reap good this. And the contrary is obvious with karma. So, do bad things happen to good people? Yes! Now what?

    Trust the LORD to keep His promises. Focus on running the race that is set before you.  For He said “For whatsoever a man (or woman) sows, in God’s timing, on His schedule, and His way, God will according to His way. His wisdom.

    • Thank you so much RevEvang Johnson for your post. I share the same view with you as I believe strongly in the law of Karma( What you SOW is what you will REAP). In addition, I always “LET GO & LET GOD! These two are very potent weapons against my persecutors.

  2. But here’s what the Lord did for me.  I was slandered and maligned maliciously while teaching in the public school system. However, I was and I still am a Bible student for years. At times the Holy Spirit would bring to my remembrance Scriptures. But the persecution didn’t stop. He ordered and directed my footsteps while working in a dark place. Yet, I learned that He permitted this persecution and through the experience, over a period of time, the lessons and insight I gained and wisdom. I eventually rose above it. The experience made me stronger. More loving and friendlier towards people. And, it hurt less and less. Because He knew what was ahead of me, what I would be facing ahead of me, the experience was part of my training. Part of my healing, and my deliverance.  YHWH is my shield and Buckler. He enables me to walk in peace, healed and ahead of my enemies. Running the race that He set before me. More than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.

  3. I have been looking for the exposure of one
    for decades ….
    I receive this word for a Final Breakthru of
    Relief for Me from this liar/narc and all done Thru them
    to Me and a couple others
    Freedom by The Almighty and Restoration
    to Me of all and to a couple others
    Protection Healing
    As I have been obedient to My LORD
    thru it all
    Thank YOU Jehoveh Tsaba
    Lord Jesus
    Holy Spirit
    So be it

  4. Well things sure have taken a turn for the worst this week since the all “glorious 222 breakthrough huh? All the words in the past two day are absolutely scary and have to do with betrayal. Lord Help Us!

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