Soar High My Warrior Eagles!
Arise and shine My Kingdom Warrior Eagles.
In this season you shall spread your wings and soar to new heights. You shall have greater vision and know the very plans and purposes that lie before you, as destiny calls.
Circumstances have tried to hold you back, but your perseverance and faith have caused you to move forward.
This is the season and time to overcome, for every obstacle that has held you back and set you behind, will now be the force in the wind and turbulence to push you forward.
You have now risen to new heights and have a fresh understanding of Kingdom Revelation.
You indeed shall rule and reign in Righteousness, for you abide within My Royal Kingdom, as My Holy Priesthood.
I call you forth to the front lines. There will be strength and victory deep within your heart.
Joy will come bubbling forth from deep within, and you shall arise knowing that you are My Holy Nation, trained and equipped for battle.
In this season, I call you into the purposes and plans of your destiny, and you shall achieve it with great success as you soar higher and higher with extended vision as My Overcoming Glorious Warriors.
~ Doug Patterson
Doug Patterson is a Prophetic Warrior and Seer, often painting the visions given him by the Lord. Doug ministers under an Apostolic Power Mantle resulting in Breakthrough, Healing and Restoration. His Ministry, Power Encounters, equips and activates the saints to greater works in the Kingdom of God. Doug and wife, Linda, are founders of Shekinah Restoration Centre and reside in Canada. (Doug Alexander Patterson 1950-2021)
Amen. Thank you Father for the Powerful Word. Thank you Jesus for strengthening us to soar high. Hallelujah!!!