Snowing Gold Flakes
On the night of January 13, 2025, I saw in a Vision, Gold Flakes coming down from the sky, so thick, it was hard to see through them.
I saw them falling between structures and just in the open. I couldn’t tell what the structures were because I was seeing parts of them very close up and I couldn’t see the ground — just the flakes falling in mid-air.
They were about the size of snowflakes, and, they were THICK in the air, like a heavy snow! Hallelujah!
As I was typing this for my journal, I heard Holy Spirit say, “Announce.”
I believe this is symbolic of His Glory beginning to fall to the earth.
His Glory and all that comes with Him is falling upon those who will receive Him and what He is doing in this hour. What a great time to be alive!
“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of The LORD.” Habakkuk 2:14 NLT
Declare : We receive Your Glory, Lord, and all You have for us in this time! We thank You for all You Are doing, and we stand in alignment with You!
May His Glory fall upon you and yours like a thick, gold snow! ❄️
~ Marietta Wilkinson
Marietta Wilkinson is a Prophetic Voice called to usher in The Fire and Glory of The LORD for such a time as this.
Find Marietta at @swordofthekingdom (Telegram) and at praying_scripture (Instagram)
Just stunning the timing on this word …and the witness in my heart with a similar encounter with the Lord in the SAME time period!
“Let fall in showers you Heavens from above and let the skies rain down righteousness…
The PURE , SPIRITUAL, HEAVEN-BORN possibilities that have their foundation….in the Holy Being of God….
Isaiah 45:8
Thank you for your faithfulness witness to the LIGHT of HIS LOVE!
Oh ..the Spirit and the Bride say,
Even so Lord Jesus …Come!
Wonderful! ♥️♥️♥️