Sickness Has to Go Because There Is a New Sheriff in Charge!
“When I saw for the first time by the Word of God that sickness was not the Will of God, everything in my nature rose up to defeat the will of the devil.” |
You Are Now a Citizen of Another Kingdom
Once you become born-again, you have just become a citizen of a foreign land called (the Kingdom of God).
It is foreign, because you are (no longer of this world.
“Therefore you are no longer outsiders (exiles, migrants, and aliens, excluded from the rights of citizens), but you now share citizenship with the saints (God’s own people, consecrated and set apart for Himself); and you belong to God’s [own] household,” Ephesians 2:19.
Nothing your new man wants to do is natural to that old man that the new you is housed in!
The LORD said to me this morning… “Jo Ellen, have you noticed that every time you begin to do anything for the Kingdom of God out of obedience to the King and His Kingdom, that your body begins to fight you?”
I said, “Yes LORD!”
He then said, “All things in this world and that of the flesh, will fight against that command that I give you!
The world, the flesh and the devil is against that, because it is against the Kingdom that you are now a citizen of.
It must fight you to keep you grounded in the Kingdom of darkness!
In other words, it keeps you focused on it, instead of on your assignment!”
You Are the Sheriff of Your Own Body!
“[God] condemned sin in the flesh subdued, overcame, deprived it of its power over all who accept that sacrifice,” Romans 8:3.
Notice in the above scripture, that we have to accept the sacrifice before the flesh can be subdued of it’s power in your personal life!
Jesus already did it but we must accept that sacrifice personally before it will work for you!
Once we receive that, then we must realize that we now are not obligated to obey the flesh and today God showed me something about that!
“So then, brethren, we are debtors, but not to the flesh [we are not obligated to our carnal nature], to live [a life ruled by the standards set up by the dictates] of the flesh,” Romans 8:12.
Sickness attacks your flesh because it wants to stop you!
Why Does Sickness Come When You Have an Assignment?
I had been laying in bed this morning asking God to show me, (as if I didn’t already know) why my body always seems to rebel when I am about to do a conference or retreat and all at once I began to have this Charley Horse in my leg as I have often been having recently, and as many of you know, those things are no fun!
But lately when one starts to come on me I have been waking up and I will say out loud “Oh no you don’t!” Immediately those things will stop when I say that!
Well, this morning I was beginning to get one of those and I said the same thing and it stopped and suddenly the LORD said “You are the Sheriff of your body!”
He then began to show me in a picture how when I was born again and filled with His Spirit that I now had authority because of my citizenship in heaven over My flesh and He said, “That includes sickness!”
“Sickness, is of the Kingdom of darkness and it will always work for the Kingdom of darkness!”
He said,”Whenever you begin to obey Me and do what I have told you to do, it is like you just shocked the system that you use to be a part of and all of that system including your flesh starts to work against you!
Because, let go, your flesh is the enemy of God!
But your body is now the Temple of the Holy Spirit and sickness is no longer legal in that temple!”
“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” 1 Corinthians 6:19.
“But now, you are like the sheriff of your own flesh and you must tell it to come in line with the Kingdom that you are now from!
By your flesh aligning with the kingdom of darkness, it is acting illegally according to the laws of the Kingdom, because by Kingdom law you are healed!!”
“For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and of death,” Romans 8:2.
The law of the Spirit of Life, which is the law of the Kingdom, has freed me from that law of sin, sickness and death that works against me, so now my body has to submit to me and not me to it!!
Oh glory to God!
There is a new sheriff in town and His name is “The Spirit of Life!”
He now lives in you and He is the boss of you!
Did you know that sickness is a part of the law of sin and death?
It doesn’t mean that you sinned and so you are sick. No, it means that sickness is a part of the kingdom of darkness and it has no business on a citizen of the Kingdom!
It is Illegal now and you must tell it that you are in charge of that body and it has no right to come and try and stop you from obeying God!
You are the sheriff and you (the new you) is in charge!
Do not let it reign in your mortal body!
Say, “No you don’t! You are illegal! I am the sheriff and you are evicted right now!”
~ by Jo Ellen Stevens
Arise Shine!
Jo Ellen Stevens of TCIC Ministries is a Prophetic speaker, author, worshiper and intercessor. She has ministered with her husband for 23 years and was a worship leader at the Assembly of God for many years. She is an ordained minister (Restoration Ministries) and works with Restoration Ministries in their Ministry Rooms doing prophetic worship with her husband. She has taught many bible studies and have led many intercessory prayer groups.
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