Shadow of the Things to Come — Part 3
Continuing from the previous posts: Part 1 and Part 2.
7) Daniel & Babylon Era
Daniel lived a life of miracles, but he was one of the ones that lived a very holy life.
No sin was recorded in the account of his story in the Bible. Moses killed an Egyptian, David committed adultery or rape and murder, Jonah ran away from God, Gideon was prideful, Samson did a slew of sinful things, but Daniel lived a holy life all throughout, even from a young age when he was young and requested to abstain from the rich foods of the Babylonian palace.
During his time as a subject or an official to Nebuchadnezzar, he had a gift of the interpretation of dreams and visions and was able to gain the trust of the king and serve in his palace and kingdom.
He was also given the authority to speak to angels and the angels speak to him. He was given the gift to see visions of his own and interpret the ones he interpreted. He was given miraculous deliverance from the den of lions.
In the same way, in the end days, many of these miracles will manifest in the lives of God’s children. Many will be delivered from their ‘dens of lions’, and see visions and interpret their visions and the vision of others.
They will also be able to read the ‘mene, mene, tekel upharsin‘ and interpet the meanings of these warnings, and they will be able to gain God’s favor in within the large influence of those who are in power.
During the time of Daniel, Exra and Nehemiah were also called to be prophets. Interestingly enough, there is evidence to suggest that Joel, Habakkuk, Micah, Obadiah and others were raised to be prophets around the same time to prophesy the building of the Second Temple, and to prophesy the rebuilding of Jerusalem.
In this same way, many prophets (in contact or without contacting/collaboration with each other) will prophesy about the rebuilding of the Third Temple and the Return of the LORD.
If several prophets who are not in contact with each other but prophesy the same message it is highly likely that the Spirit of the LORD inspired them the same way He inspires the authors of the books of the Bible to write a consistent message despite being ages apart.
Still, test the spirits when evaluating the messages preached in this phenomenon. In the end, the standard of truth is always the Word of God, the Bible.
8) Jesus’ Birth, Ministry and Resurrection
According to Luke 1:26-56 Jesus was anointed before He was born in the natural when God sent Gabriel to Mary to tell her about His birth.
He was anointed from the beginning according to John. He was anointed again when the wise—men visited Him and His family.
And He was anointed yet again during His baptism when the Spirit of the LORD came down like a dove. Everything that ever was, is and will be are all made for and through our Savior Jesus Christ who will return as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
All of us children of God have been called and elected (let’s leave the questions — if only the elect are saved, why don’t others are elect as well, etc. — aside for now.
God revealed to me that answer, but its an answer that is good enough for my understanding. If you still want to know, go and ask the LORD to reveal it to you, so you may know too.
He is not a respecter of persons. We are called to be kings and priests. We are also anointed, being currently anointed or will be anointed.
God is going to reveal to you how He is anointing you. Some through a spiritual experience, others through experiences in the natural. In order to be like Jesus, we have to undergo the things He went through that makes us like Him, would we not?
That includes being ‘grafted into the olive tree’, being made pure by His Blood, having the Holy Spirit dwell in us, and living a life of worshipping and ministering to God, living a life off sacrifice in place of the Cross, and being anointed unto election.
He is also our priest, and we will become priests and we are in a way already priests. He is returning as King, and so we will become ‘kings’/ rulers/ princes as well.
In the Old Testament, King David was anointed to be king by Samuel and even the priests were anointed as well. This means that those who will be called to be priests and kings unto the LORD will be anointed before their lifetimes, during their lifetimes or at the moment their service as priests and kings begin.
Anointing is just one way the person of Jesus is the Shadow of the things to come. His life, his ministry, his miracles and the things he stood for are a picture of the kind of life we are going to lead in the Millennial Kingdom.
For example, Jesus was the meekest of the meek. Therefore we can assume that though we will be surrounded with utmost glory and victory, we will be meek indeed, and it is difficult to comprehend the two things being hand in hand because we are so used to the way how glory here on earth just tend to breed pride, while humility tends to come from poverty (there are exceptions of course). Jesus had an abundance mindset, but it was not the prosperity gospel.
He fed the 5000 bread and fish, but he did not give his twelve disciples Lamboghinis. He could have if he wanted to, but He did not.
Because the way of Jesus has never been about shallow prosperity but deep abundance. And that kind of abundance will surround us in the Millennial Kingdom, and not shallow prosperity.
There is a lot more about the whole personhood of Jesus as a picture of our eternal destiny, but its suffice to describe the few aspects being presented here. More maybe discussed in a later post.
9) Pentecost
The Pentecost according to Peter in Acts 2, was a fulfillment of Joel 2:28. And as it is a fulfillment of this prophecy, it is reasonable to conclude that in the very last days, in the tail end of the End Times, there will be more manifestations of this prophecy.
In fact, in the last two or three years I have been reading prophecy on His Kingdom Prophecy and others, many prophets and watchmen and watchwomen have prophesied that this prophecy will be fulfilled into its fullness again, and this time the manifestation of this fulfilled prophecy will be so great that those who are poured with the Holy Spirit and take part of this ‘habitation’ (as opposed to the visitation of the LORD), will be called the Joel 2:28 Army/ Company.
They will prophesy, minister deliverance and healing, interpret dreams and visions and evangelize and wave the Banner of the LORD in glory to the world, so that the world may know that the LORD is God.
They will be people who are ordinary who are called to be a part of a special calling. They will be the young and the old. Men and women. Teens, adults, and even toddlers and infants — particularly infants, to testify the great loss of sacred life and divine destinies that has been done against those who are like them and were killed in the womb and outside the womb that has been sacrificed to the gods of convenience and ‘all about me and my dreams’.
This ‘revival’ may not be like Billy Graham’s level of revival where thousands upon thousands come to Jesus.
But it will be in smaller numbers where people will still come to Jesus, but in a different level of faith simply because perilous times are coming.
Many have left the faith and many more will leave the faith. The Great Falling Away is to signify that at the end of this age, the ones who leave or who do not have the faith will have greater dominion as opposed to Christians being given dominion/power/authority to sustain itself for the last 2000 years.
10) Biblical Record of the First Century Church
Just like the New Testament Apostles, many will be as ‘radical’ (not violent or harmful to others) as they were.
Many will be just like Paul, zealously preaching — and so anointed that they would have similar gifting as he did, and many will be stirred in their hearts as a result of this a great number of people will be stirred towards repentance and be a part of a great series of revivals and a great number of people will be also stirred but as they hardened their hearts, they will be a part of the great falling away and their hearts will grow cold and they will also be the ones who curse God, which of course is a sad fate.
But the Bible has foretold of these things that will happen, and because it has taken 2000 years, we are so accustomed to feel like as if we have to wait another 2000 years, but all of this could happen soon and at any instant.
The Holy Spirit has once told me last year that the moment the signs start to manifest, things will escalate. And this is coming to pass.
Many of us today are starting to ‘normalize’ the calamities we see on the news today and get adapted to it because we are starting to get used to a more chaotic world then the one we were born in.
Many things will come to pass. And many extraordinary things will start to happen soon. We are not to worship or focus on these things. But we are to keep watch and be prepared for our LORD’s Return.
Other things that will happen that happened during the times of the apostles may include but not limited to the healing of diseases and deliverance from curses and impartation of gifting and anointing, prophesying and worship in tongues, or not in tongues, and also transportation just like Phillip and other miracles described in the Bible and other new miracles for the glory of God and for the witnessing and making of disciples.
Please also see related posts: Part 1 and Part 2.
Your Sister in Christ,
~ Julia A.
Julia A. is a prophetic author, who was saved 2011. She has written six prophetic messages to a church in Kansas and publicly shares on her website, Warrior Princess of God, her testimony about the faithfulness of God in the persecution she has faced. She realizes that God’s call for her is to recognize His heart for the world for the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ. For any questions, please reach Julia at
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