HomeProphecySeparated, Set Apart for Surrender All!


Separated, Set Apart for Surrender All! — 2 Comments

  1. Dear beloved Sandi, what an awesome and beautiful as the colors of the autumn word from the Lord.  The following words spoke loud to my heart: I speak many ways — As I was raking leaves from my back yeard the other day I heard a rooster crowing in the spirit, which to me signifies start of a new day!  I did not create this war — but I will end it on My Terms! ”In this New Era, you are encountering me in many ways says the Creator of all the earth. Just as this stressful time has been produced much pressure and crushing, My Vessels shall overflow with the taste of New wine and an anointing…. I also heard liquid gold. I dont know exactly the meaning but I think it has to do with the anointing. I also heard Isaiah 35:1 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. So after the wilderness experience he brings beautiful restoration! Glory to God in the highest!!! Blessings to you as always!!!

  2. WOW! Absolute fire! WOW!
    Hallelujah! Glory! Praise You Jesus!!
    Thank You Jesus!!!
    Thank you Sandi!!
    That was awesome!!!
    Spirit bares witness!

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