Separate Yourself Onto ME for My Kingdom and Purpose!
“Separate yourself onto ME and for My Kingdom and My Purpose,” says The LORD.
“Be holiness unto Me. I have cleansed you and purified and purged you with My own blood and purchased you by My death and finished work on the cross for you. You are MINE. Act like it.
“I do not want to be an add-on in your life. I do not want you to have My business be your side-business.
“I want My business to become yours as you are a joint laborer and heir with Me in My Kingdom that is without end. As I must be about My Father’s business, and that is the motivation of My heart, let that also become yours,” says The LORD.
“Put your hand to the plow and keep it there,” says The LORD.
“DO not even think about quitting or turning back. For what I have created you for has permanency.
“It is not just for a time and season, but you have a permanent position in My Kingdom that begins with your labors now in your earthly sojourn and will never end.
“Do not neglect the gifts that I have given you nor MY GREAT SALVATION. FINISH THE RACE. Keep the Faith. Your faith requires action and faithfulness.
“I will be with you always to give you everything you need to fulfill your destiny purpose as you are a hearer of My Word and a doer of My Work.
“You will complete your assignments and you will finish well as you continue to separate yourself onto Me, listen to My Commands, and follow ME,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
A powerful word June!!! I receive it as the Lord’s word to me and I will declare His praise as I run the race set before me! Thank you for sharing His heart through yours sister! God bless you abundantly more! :)
Love you ABBA Father. Thank you so much. Thank you my dear sister. Always look forward to your posts with anticipation. God bless.