Seeking After a Sign
“For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: but we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness,” 1 Corinthians 1:22-23.
We’ve just had an unusual astronomical sign in the heavens this past weekend.
Many flocked to see and travel to see this sight, and many wondered and others were certain, that this would surely usher in a soon coming rapture for the saints of God to leave this earth.
But this event like many others, is just the beginning of other such signs in the heavens that will transpire during this generation that we are now living in.
But just as the four blood moons that occurred a few years ago, we can look back and see that nothing out-of-the-ordinary occurred. Others were so certain that this was indeed, the end.
I’m not necessarily saying that these types of things don’t have their significance, they do, but how many of us put so much stock and attention in them, that we hinge all our belief systems upon them, knowing that surely, the Second Coming is now upon us?
We can see from the verses above in 1 Corinthians that many during the time of Christ were also looking for a sign or an indication, that the end was soon upon them. Paul tells us that Jews seek a sign and Greeks seek wisdom, and yet we are to preach Christ crucified which has become a stumbling block to both.
The prophet Joel talks about these things and yet, many see some similarities between our present time as the sun is turned to darkness and the moon into blood.
But I will say that much greater events will be seen in the heavens as we draw closer to that day.
“And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come,” Joel 2:30-31.
Our faith should not have to be hinged upon unusual events or signs in the sky. Some have camped out in the mountains and hills years ago, being so certain that the end of the age was upon them.
But eventually, they had to return to their homes and jobs once more, to live out their lives waiting.
We all wait for that day in eager anticipation, but in the mean time, we all have our jobs and families to attend to.
May we find a wisdom and a balance in our lives as we wait for that day, and yet be prepared for the great darkness that is soon to come upon us all.
~ Stephen Hanson
Stephen Hanson of In His Truth Ministries came to the LORD is a special way in 1975 and has prophesied regularly since. In these end-time birthing pangs we are reminded that judgment must first begin with the household of God. Will we be prepared and ready?
“We all wait for that day in eager anticipation, but in the mean time, we all have our jobs and families to attend to.”
This last hour in God’s timetable we should rather say;
“We seek the Lord with ALL our heart and ALL our mind day in and day out, and in mean time we also attend to our families and our jobs”
In what way and how does the ‘moon’ (or sun) separate one year from another? Or one season from another? Does it shine in one way in the summer and in another way in the winter?
The moon can not do this but it is established in the sky for the reason to confirm God’s timetable.
For this reason it is as dangerous to neglect the signs as it is dangerous to try to interpret them without revelation.
There were not only ‘four’ blood moons, there were together 12 blood moons from the ‘gahtering’ of the nation Israel. (1948-2015)
as many as the clock shows its numbers from 0-12
As many as the disciples.
As many as the woman who was divided in 12 parts:
“layeth hold on his concubine, and cutteth her in pieces to her bones, into twelve pieces, and sendeth her into all the border (outside) of Israel Judges 19:29
The previous divided ‘woman’ has now become one piece in Israel and the signs of the seed of the woman (the female egg cell is on the 14th day in The month (the Lords pass over) ready for fertilization (when the blood from the father passes over to the female egg cell). At the same time it appears as a blood moon)has been shown in the visible sky.
Fertilization precedes pregnancy, which precedes labor pangs which precedes birth!
Immediately after the verse about the divided woman it says that one shall take notice of this;
“every one who seeth hath said, There hath not been yea, there hath not been seen like this, from the day of the coming up of the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt till this (specific) day; set your heart upon it, take counsel, and speak. Judges 19:30
God said, Let there be lights (knowledge of My time frame) in the firmament of the heaven to
1.divide the (specific) day from the (specific) night
3.for (specific) seasons,
4.for (specific) days
5.and (specific) years
“hypocrites (who claims you understand scriptures) the face of the heavens indeed ye do know to discern, but the signs of (the moon which shows) the times ye are not able! Matt.16:3
“As (God’s time table) the moon (as an hourglass) it is established, to the age, And the witness in the sky is steadfast. Selah. Ps.89:37
A steadfast witness is the moon in the sky!