HomeProphecySeed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening!


Seed Time! Harvest! A Great Awakening! — 4 Comments

    • “Watch as demonic powers and principalities bow down and flee in every direction at the very sight of this New Breed of Overcomers and Mighty Destroyers!”
      Sooo WOW!! I had a dream week before last and saw a large beast-like creature fall from the heavens and hit the earth. Many minions, or smaller demons, came out of it and ran in every direction into the earth. This beast then stood up on it’s hind legs…it was HIDEOUS!! It then morphed into one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen. He went from person to person sniffing for fear, and finding it!! I stood fearless watching as he made his way toward me, he sniffed me and I watched as his eyes got huge with fear, at which time he turned tail and ran in the opposite direction!!
      I’ve been a slave to fear my whole life, raised in a home of alcoholism and extreme abuse. But as I (in obedience to Him) threw the “world” I had clothed myself in into the trash….literally, the Lord has been healing and delivering me, daily.
      What a confirmation!! I’m so grateful Veronika, and extremely blessed. It’s been a very hard battle with Jezebel and extreme witchcraft!! Persecuted day and night in ways I could have never imagined even existed!!
      God bless your beautiful heart Veronika, thank you for posting!!
      Thank You Abba Father!!

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