“I have set My Love upon you and sealed you with it,” says The LORD.
“I have sealed you with My Spirit and sealed you with My great Name.
“I have called you by your name, and linked it with Mine, because you have called upon My Name, and I have saved you.
“You are marked as My very own, and I call you inaccessible. I call you tamper proof. For what I Own, I seal, and set aside for My Own Purpose and Glory,” says The LORD.
“Do not fear he enemy,” says The LORD.
“Make Me your only fear. For as you come to Me and surrender to Me and submit yourself fully unto me, be assured that the enemy will become terrified of you.
“You can fearlessly resist him, and he will flee from you. Know that you are strong in Me, and you will tread upon the enemy as dung under your foot, deeming him as powerless and defeated.
“I have given you the victory and made you an undefeated champion in Me, and I will always cause you to triumph in Me,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Recieved and believed my Sister in Christ
He who hath begun a good work in me will see it through to my appointed time
Into greater works and Endtime Revival and Crusades
Planting seeds
And planting Tabernacles in the Wilderness areas amongst the Wolves in Jesus mighty name
Thank you Dr. Reneike. Awesome Truths.
Thank you for your obedience. This Word is sweet and as a balm to my heart! ❤️