HomeProphecySaved, Delivered, Healed


Saved, Delivered, Healed — 9 Comments

  1. Yes,Our heavenly Father, His only begotten son Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit still heals. I can’t count how many healings my Father has carried out on me. So, I am a living testimony of God’s healing power. Thanks

  2. Ich kann bezeugen, Gott heilt auch heute noch. Dafür bin ich ein lebender Körper auf zwei Beinen.
    Danke Vater, dass ich ein Wunder bezeugen darf.

    [ HKP : “I can testify that God still heals today. But I am a living body on two legs. Thank you, Father, for allowing me to witness a miracle.” ]

    • Glory to God, for he truly does the divine work, as we give him praise, glory and honor! We all I believe have to experience that 1 wilderness experiences, where we have no doubt in heart, that it was nobody but God – who delivered us from the hand of the enemy. Peace and blessings! I pray that you are continually encouraged in the Holy Spirit, by the promises of God.

  3. Praise God, in Jesus Christ, our Savior, Deliverer and Healer – our Blessed Hope!
    I can definitely say that Jesus Christ has been on all 3 to me, having prove himself to never break a promise, but divinely healing me, but I have experienced other divine supernatural interventions, where the power of God shielded me from a violent attack by the enemy, when I was in a backslidden condition, covering me from bullets, released from a semi automatic.

    People would believe my testimonies, but GOD, is real and everything mentioned above and so much more more. I thank you, for sharing Pastor Reinke! The Lord kniws thus resonates with my spirit. God bless you, dear Sister Reinke! I pray that you are renewed in the power of God’s might, strengthen in the Holy Spirit. May the Lord God Almighty, continue to use you mightily!

  4. Had back surgery during which time the dr inadvertantly cut my spinal cord. Woke up nothing from the waste down.  Nothing moved!  While there read my Bible from Genesis to Psalms 103:1-3 bless the Lord oh my soul & all that is within me bless His holy name.2. Bless the Lord O my soul& forget not all His benefits;3 Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.That popped up off the page Was told I would never be able to do anything anymore.Was hospitalized over 3 months. Made up my mind that I believe Gods Word to be true. So I’d better believe that. Was determined that I would be healed. 22 months later in a word of prophecy I was instantly healed, all arthritus was gone too.

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