Satan’s Assault on Men and Fathers
I have had three male friends, all of whom are married and have children, who have literally been targeted by the enemy, as he has tried to destroy them and all they stand for.
These men are all Christians, honorable, gentle, kind, loving, great fathers to their children and great husbands to their wives.
In the law of survival, it is always the male who has to fight more to sustain himself, so that there are generally more females than males in most societies.
It is also the male in society who is lacking in many of the homes with single parents. For some of these families, it is the lack of a positive male role-model that has hurt the children deeply and caused anger, bitterness, unforgiveness and resentment to boil over, often causing behavior and social problems growing up in the home, in school, and moving into adulthood for these children.
This is an issue that is on the rise.
When I asked The LORD about the males, and in particular fathers being assaulted, He said, “The enemy is trying to destroy the fathers, to divide the homes, take away the father’s wisdom, income from the family, and to break up the family unit by taking away stability, peace, and much more.
He knows that it is the fathers that are desperately needed at this time.”
The males / fathers at this time represent what God is bringing next to the nations. God is bringing the “Father’s anointing of irresistible unconditional love” to pour out upon all nations.
As I’m writing this, I’m seeing a huge urn filled to the top, that is never empty of a thick honey-like substance.
Once poured onto someone they won’t be able to get rid of it. It will stick to them like glue and sink right into them so deeply that it will force the pain, suffering, and evil out of the person.
Once this is poured over them, they will finally receive the freedom in Christ that many of them have been looking for their whole life.
It is so important at this time to pray protection and more for men, who will rise up to become fathers to their children and to other children who desperately need godly fathers as positive role models in their lives.
It also means we need to up our prayers for the fathers that we now have, so they can walk in the freedom that God means for them to walk in and raise up the coming generations into what God is calling them to do.
It will take the prayers and unity of Godly fathers and mothers in the Body of Christ to stop what the enemy is trying to do to thwart the move of God that is coming forth.
God Bless You!
~ Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer
Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer lives near Danville, VA.
Remember Lot’s wife? I’m not her. I believe and want change for the Body of Christ to walk in the OBEDIENCE & HOLINESS OF God. That is the way, the truth, and the life of Christ that we are to want to be like in this season and in the days ahead. We need a relationship with our LORD NOW more than ever before. God has allowed me to minister all over the world through the internet, and in person through conferences, church services, and small groups. My heart is to see the Body of Christ walk in freedom that God means for them, so they can develop a deep intimacy with Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. I minister to others through prophetic words, and other gifts, bringing breakthrough and calling people into a constant pursuit of God’s Heart to actively hear God’s voice for themselves and others. I try to be the best servant of God that I can be, with lots of help from God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus.