Satan Wants to ‘Bless’ You
2 Words in 1
Eating Twinkies with God
Here is the confirmation that I believe the LORD is posting on my heart very heavily just before I leave this planet planet.
It seems to be the Final Truth that father wants to get a crossed at least through me as to how close father really is and how much he is trying to share his father heart with each one of us to bring us to him.
He does not want anyone to miss this. These confirmations are coming from all over from all different people, please take heed and pay close attention.
He wants us to know Him intimately more than anything. The rude foundation of intimacy I believe it comes from stretching the phrase old, IN–TO–ME–SEE because transparency is the key to intimacy.
Father wants us to become completely transparent with Him in order that we can see what He sees and understand in spite of what He sees, is He loves us unconditionally and is open outstretched arms are waiting to hug us and hold us.
Satan Wants to ‘Bless’ You
I must repeat this so that you will clearly see the heart of My Father.
Notice He never mentions in this whole parable about being born again! However we know you can’t enter the kingdom without being born again so let me explain why this happens.
If you’re building your business and enjoying success thinking that God is pleased and He is the one that is doing a blessing, you better check it out!
Satan wants to ‘bless’ you too. Successes you are having and that is he that is blessing you you better think again. Satan is more than happy to ‘bless’ you and give you the riches of this world to enjoy so that he can throw you in to hell on the left side of room.
Please watch this carefully and listen carefully it’s extremely important to know the true heart of God and how He feels about the poor and the hungry in the naked.
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministering with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with TV and radio, a retired businessman, Jim helped feed Ugandan widows and orphans, and helped Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He was His banker and was privileged to give His money away, helping to build a Haiti orphanage and invest in USA lives. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD.
This word is not in line with the Bible, Satan can not bless anybody, he gives money to those that wants to do his will, but bless!!!!! Come on said it right! Please don’t try to confuse people where’s the passage that saids that he blesses, so that I can ask you to forgive me.
thalia you are so right This word is so mixed up
Thank you, Jim! God bless and keep you and your dear family!