Satan Targets Children; Pray The Blood of Jesus & His Hands To Protect Them
In all of Scripture, only one demographic was mentioned by THE LORD and said that, of such is The Kingdom of Heaven: Children.
“Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His Hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But JESUS said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is The Kingdom of Heaven.” And He laid His Hands on them and departed from there.” Matthew 19:13-15.
Children from this set time, have been purposed by THE LORD to be used for mighty signs and wonders in The Church.
As such, the enemy is particularly targeting them through various means to destroy them: education, entertainment, technology, food and drinks, among others.
You should always check with THE HOLY SPIRIT regarding the school you take your children to, entertainment they access, technology they use, food and drinks they consume, and so on.
I have seen children’s food and drinks that are of demonic origin, but can only be discerned through THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Paedophiles are now infiltrating the school system to perpetuate their perversion and wickedness. After-school clubs, breakfast clubs, holiday clubs, play-schemes, sporting clubs, etc. are being used to lure children for abuse.
Some satanic teaching staff are abusing children in their care in nursery/ school.
In the United Kingdom for example, such cases have been reported over the years.
A particularly notorious one was in 2009.
It was widely reported (see here) that, a nursery worker admitted sexually assaulting children in her care, taking more than 100 images of her victims and sharing the pictures with two other paedophiles she had met on the internet.
The trio claimed they met on Facebook.
The teacher, then 39 and a married woman at the time, would take pictures of herself abusing children at the nursery, using a mobile phone to send the images to her fellow paedophiles.
The school and extracurricular systems are being increasingly established and used by paedophiles.
Technology is being used vastly to also target children, hiding behind modern gadgetry and advancement.
According to Mozilla’s annual Privacy Not Included report last December, six out of Amazon products aimed at children, jeopardise privacy.
The Daily Mail noted that the report said each toy collected personal information, including name, date of birth and contact details, alongside data on photos, video and location.
Satan’s big agenda is data collection for oppression.
Sky News also reported last December that Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant told a 10-year-old girl to touch a penny to the prongs of a plugged-in phone charger.
In stating the obvious, it was a suggestion to steal, kill destroy.
Another media report said that “Amazon gadgets are ‘SPYING on your kids’ including photos and recordings, experts warn[.]
“Parents are being urged not to be taken in by cute designs of the Echo speaker for children that use a tiger and panda face.”
This is a marketing image by Amazon.
If you look carefully with spiritual eyes, you will see that the supposed “tiger and panda faces” are halloween-like and demonic rendered respectively.
Techno-satanism is a fast increasing phenomena in the earth today.
About six years ago, I visited a very big library in a notable town in England on many occasions.
One day, I was delighted to see nursing mothers and pregnant women having social time together in some sort of a regular class in the huge lobby area of the library.
There was an art work in the background. It looked just modern and avant-garde.
Then, on another day, when the class was not in session, THE HOLY SPIRIT moved me and opened my discernment to take a closer look at the art work.
I was shocked to see that the so-called art work was actually a demonic altar where the authorities were dedicating the children to demons, using government resources!
The art work featured ghoulish, occultic, witchcraft and other demonic elements.
This is the supposed art work:
But take a closer look at some of the evil elements:
Children are being increasingly targeted in all sorts of evil ways as the end approaches.
Harry Potter books, movies, merchandise, etc. infect and induct children into witchcraft.
Spiderman, Santa (anagram for Satan), and other works of darkness are to steal, kill and destroy children.
Please be careful to ensure that your children are not consuming evil literature.
An insightful comment by our dear sister, Bev, on my Word “The Evil of Video Games Evades And Destroys Many” is very instructive to note:
Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer on April 21, 2022 at 11:29 pm said:
YES!!! AGREE!!! EXCELLENT!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING. Even the card games & other games, have a person invite demons into themselves to gain more power or whatever the card is for. Similar to some popular children’s books that have actual witchcraft spells in them that are said by the characters in the book & whoever reads the book. DEFINITELY TIME FOR EVERYONE TO WAKE UP NOW!!!
THE LORD is very keen for us to protect children by prayer and His Wisdom.
Some days ago, I had a dream in which a brother was telling me about his little daughter.
He said he noticed recently that a demonic entity was lurking in the dark around the house to attack his daughter.
As he was speaking, I could see the demonic entity appearing like a torchlight looming in the dark, seeking an opportune time attack.
(Satan transforms himself into an angel of light, 2 Corinthians 11:14).
With confident authority, I told him: “Pray THE BLOOD OF JESUS and His Hands to protect her.”
Indeed, we are only truly protected by THE BLOOD OF JESUS and His Hands.
So, what do you do to protect children?
As aforesaid, seek THE LORD about everything you do regarding them; obey what He tells you.
Pray THE BLOOD OF JESUS and His Hands to protect and preserve them.
Whenever possible, pray for children wherever you see them.
Very often, wherever I see children, I pray: “FATHER, in JESUS’ NAME, keep them in Your NAME. Keep them through Your NAME. Keep them from the evil one. Provide for them. Use them for your Glory.”
Our prayers produce great results.
“The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen.” 2 Timothy 4:22.
“Farewell” Acts 15:29.
~ Jacob Addison Awagah
Jacob, an apostle of JESUS CHRIST by The Will of GOD, according to The Promise of Life Which is in CHRIST JESUS, (2 Timothy 1:1).
Like John, I like to put my head to The Heart of JESUS so as to know and do His Will always. What’s in His Heart is what matters now and FOREVER. His Heart’s Desire is my only desire. My will is to do His Will.
As John was, I am the disciple whom JESUS loves. And like Paul, I am “the prisoner of CHRIST JESUS” (Ephesians 3:1) for His Purpose forever: to obey Him always.
NB. Surely, the disciple whom JESUS loves and “the prisoner of CHRIST JESUS”, like ALL The Promises of GOD, are available to every believer to obtain, just as John and Paul did.
“And having been perfected, He [JESUS] became The Author of Eternal Salvation to all who obey Him,” Hebrews 5:9.
Thank you for this post! I plead the Blood of Jesus over my grands and bind Satan and his minions from them all in the name and power of the blood of Jesus! However, most Christians, that I am around don’t seem to agree with me. I heard a woman not too long ago at Robin Bullock’s Church say that a demon manifested himself to her and she told him to leave in the name of Jesus, but he just kept smiling at her until she pled the blood over herself and told him to go by the power of the blood of Jesus. At that point, he had a horror look on his face and left!