Romans 16:19 Says…
Romans 16:19 Says…
Romans 16:19 says, Romans 16:19 says,
oh oh oh Romans 16:19 says,
be excellent in what is good, be innocent of evil.
Be excellent in what is good, be innocent of evil..
And the God of Peace will soon crush Satan
God will crush him underneath your feet!
And the God of Peace will soon crush Satan
God will crush him underneath your feet!
I am not sure if a lot of people know this song, but this song (by Bob Fitts) was a song taught to me by a dear friend who became one of my old church’s worship leaders.
But this song was amazing. Until today I use it as part of my battery of the Ephesians 6:12 Armor of God, because the real takeaway is from Romans 16:20, where God promises us that we will soon have that scorpion crushed under our feet.
In Colossians 2:15, Paul also told us that God has already made a public spectacle of the enemy by disarming the principalities and authorities, as well as triumphing over them through the Cross of Jesus Christ.
So then, why are we living like as if we are the ones crushed?
Why is it sometimes we have to take humiliation?
There’s a short answer and a long answer. Please do not take just one and not the other. Bear with me.
The short answer is that the enemy is already made a public spectacle, over and over but he doesn’t want to accept it, so he makes us to feel all of this humiliation that he deserves so we maybe distracted away from God or have distrust in God.
I have this picture in my head where a scorpion is crushed underfoot, but it would not die and still try sting or attack the foot that was crushing it.
The long answer is victory is ours in Jesus Christ, and in the Blood of the Lamb. The Blood of the Lamb of God is the only clean blood there is.
No other blood is cleansing enough to wash sins away as white as snow. No other Blood can do that except the one we partake in communion.
But the enemy would not accept his defeat and rebelling against God and His people leading to the culmination of his rebellion during of the seven year tribulation by the son of perdition.
This culmination of rebellion is nothing worth remembering in the billion years to come. No one will even mutter the name of this despicable thing after the Second Resurrection.
No one that belongs to this serpent will have a lasting legacy because the only legacy that will stand is the legacy of the family of God. Not many people understands legacy.
This term is usually used by merchants of five to seven generations to mean their building of wealth and generations of talented individuals coming from the root of the first ancestor.
In my family’s legacy, most of us are entrepreneurial and resilient and we know the long line of ancestors and their names and the things they did to become successful and established as they were merchants.
This is referred to in the Bible many times for the genealogies of Jesus, David and Joseph and Abraham. They are referring to origin, but also legacy.
The good news for all of us is that the only legacy that matters in the Millennium Kingdom is the legacy of the family of God. Nothing else matters. No matter how proud I am of mine, it does not matter.
All of that will be replaced by the legacy of God the Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I will always remember it and cherish it, but something that is even greater will replace it.
We are after all, adopted in the family of God as in Ephesians 1, grafted in according to Ephesians 2 and will be revealed as sons of God according to Romans 8.
God the Father so loved us as John 3:16 says, and much like every good Father, He wants to prepare us for what is coming and what matters most.
Most parents and every good father will always prepare their children for adulthood. In the same way, the Father is using our circumstances on earth to prepare His children for eternal life.
What this means is that when we go through the storms of life, the enemy may have caused the mayhem just like in the story of Job, but we need to be like Job, we need to be like Joseph, Daniel, Schadrach, Meschach and Abednego.
We need to be like David during the time of Saul, but not when everything was going well and he was tempted by Bathsheba, and we need to be like Abraham and Moses, and we better pray not to be like Samson, but if Samson is saved, and you know you are in Jesus, Jesus can still save you in your repentance.
We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and just trust Him that though He will not fail you, you can fail Him. And though you fail Him, He can still redeem you, but that of course, is not an excuse to sin. It is however, an excuse to ask for grace so you will not sin.
God told me in 2010 that most people who read my blog (this one that started in 2018) will be of the elect, simply because it is meant for the elect. (That does not mean that people that do not read it they are not part of the elect).
It just mean that most of the ones who do are . If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior and our Father in Heaven as your ABBA Father, and the Holy Spirit as your Counselor, then you need to be confident in your faith.
Of course there is more to this. My point in writing is to strengthen the faith of my brothers and sisters.
Therefore, keep watch for the Second Coming and work your salvation in fear and trembling.
Your Sister in Christ,
~ Julia A.
Julia A. is a prophetic author, who was saved 2011. She has written six prophetic messages to a church in Kansas and publicly shares on her website, Warrior Princess of God, her testimony about the faithfulness of God in the persecution she has faced. She realizes that God’s call for her is to recognize His heart for the world for the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ. For any questions, please reach Julia at
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