Rise Up and Walk in Newness of Life!
“Rise up and walk in newness of life,” says the LORD.
“There is no time to waste on regrets. The setbacks you have experienced will not be set-ups for defeat, but for victories ahead.
“I will give you new strategies and a new direction, and the things you thought were a total loss are not. I will equip you to conquer, and what you have learned is part of the preparation for what is ahead.
“You will gain momentum as you press forward, with a new perspective, and greater vitality than ever before,” says the LORD.
“New vision will replace the old, and I will give you the purpose, the plan and the provision,” says the LORD.
“As old things will pass away, that includes old ways of doing things, old mind-sets, old forms and formulas. I will give you new vitality and a holy zeal to do the things that I have ordained for you to do in the NOW and NEAR!
“Look forward to what will be, embrace what is NOW, and know that the end will be better than the beginning.
“The new vision will exceed the old, and the victories that lie ahead will far exceed any defeat that you have experienced.
“Trust that the new is better than the old, and you will NOT be defeated, if you refuse to quit! Press forward to the NEW that I have for you, for victory is ahead,” says the LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
Thank you so much Heavenly Father. I am ready.
Praise the Lord! God bless you, as you are a great encouragement to the body of Jesus Christ, a strong presence and witness for the Lord. I have read many messages given to you by God in which you shared with the True Church, all are and willing to listen, taking heed to the word of the Lord. I am thankful for your service, as I feel most of your messages apply to me. God bless you, remain encouraged in Jesus,as I pray for your strength in the Lord God.