Rise Up and Take Your Place!
He has driven back your attackers and disgraced your enemies!
I heard the spirit say, “Rise up and take your place, this is your finest hour, do not shrink back, but step forward and into my purposes.
Fear not! For the battle is yours. I have driven back your attackers and disgraced your enemies. Now open your mouth and I will fill it. Speak and you shall see it come forth, for in this season the seeds of significance shall suddenly burst forth from the place called “Dormancy.” Have I not given you the sense of divine breath, revelation and light?
I call you carriers of creative power. You shall speak a thing and it shall established for you, for I stand over My word to perform it, and as you speak the power of My Glory shall come to visit, invade and inhabit.
I AM revealing ancient doors, and springing open stubborn doors,” says God.
“For even in this hour, you shall say, “This is the moment for miracles, and this is the time for the unexpected manifestations of gods power”
Beloved. enter into the open door. I AM the door! Come and dwell in the place of safety, refuge and divine rest. See My grace and taste of My goodness.Here you will find the overflow of supernatural nourishment, creative miracles, change and transformation.
In this place you shall enter into a time of the renewed watch, for this is not a time to waver but keep close watch, for now you are advancing without delay or distraction,” says God.
“My faithfulness will facilitate your advancing and strategically move you into the position of greater fruitfulness and increase. Now you shall carry the weight of My Glory and journey towards the fulfillment of My promises!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
I raised up and went to a church today, to a small church where I wasn`t since more than 7 years. On all the way where placed broken flowers and stems, branches, exactly like my flowers on the table here. And other “signs” that they never want to stop their ugly persecution. The same stones they threw or placed since years, and at my entrance when i arrived back home, a leaf, in the midst burned with fire. So my dear brothers and sisters – I know how it is, walking on this earth as Jesus did. Hated they HIM, so they will hate you… it is written. It is foretold. Thank you for your serious prayers for my son, my entire family and for me.