HomeProphecyRestoring The Years which The Locusts have Eaten


Restoring The Years which The Locusts have Eaten — 3 Comments

  1. It is now September 2019 but as l goggles the correct spelling for locusts l scrolled down and found your prophetic word which is, l believe, is very much a word for many of us today. It is hard to live righteous lives and we tend to look back rather than set our eyes on Jesus. Please pray for a friend of mine called Danae as l believe this word is from the very heart of God for her right now. Thank you.

  2. Thank you so much for your obeidence to post this awesome word.  I needed to hear it.  I am encouraged.  I have been spiritually wounded and I prayed just yesterday for the release of these wounds so that I can be healed.  The injustice was unfair and I did all the right thing in my mind to say let it go…however I was still holding on to area of it because each time I would vistit certain ministries, their response to me was always the same and it is rejection.  So yesterday I prayed for complete and total deliverance from these wounds.

    Kingdom Blessings.