Rest in the Beloved!
My children, I have been with you in your quiet times. I have listened intently to you and have heard your petitions, the very moment you asked, the answer was set in motion and on the way.
Do not doubt but only believe. Your silent tears I, the LORD have seen. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Now would be the time I would say to you, allow Me to answer these prayers, do not grieve Me, and do not hinder the answers to come.
Did I not say I would give you the desires of your heart? I see that the desires of your heart for others. I have given you many to pray for and to watch over, you have taken many under your wing, you have prayed the prayer for faith.
You have done well. All that you have given away will be returned to you, for it has been of eternal value. In your heart of hearts you are pure and without guile, and the LORD says Move forward, do not fear, do not accept condemnation, but hold your heard high and know that you are a child of the Most High, highly favored and cherished by Me.
Now is the time for you to believe, to have faith in My promises, to know that those that you pray for are the very ones I have put on your heart to pray for, and eternal purposes are born through your prayers for these I have given to you.
Now is the time to let go, lay what was meant as a blessing down and do not allow it to become a burden of weight upon you. These are the sheep of My pastures and I will bring them in by the way they should go.
I have called you and I have drawn you closer every day. Our agreement is according to My word and according to My purpose. You are called precious, My children who hear and obey My voice, in My sight I delight in you all. I will restore your fortunes, as streams renew in the desert.
Those of you who have planted in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. You may weep as you go to plant your seed, but you will sing as you return with the harvest that is at hand.
I have spoken to you in the mid-night hour. You have wondered what does this mean and what does that mean? Wonder not at the meaning.
I AM drawing you close to Me. Lay your burdens down. Do not weep over these children any longer. They are mine. They are Mine.
It is My desire to comfort you now. You are My children, not called to bear burdens, let it go and press on.
I, desire the best for you.
Learn to rest in Me and enjoy the days I give you upon this earth. I never said in My word that you would not have tribulation in this world. I said, you would have tribulation, but be of good cheer for I, the LORD, have OVERCOME THE WORLD.
Rejoice! I AM YOUR burden bearer.
Know that I have seen the times your heart reaches up with tears on the inside when no one else can see them but Me. I see you, I know you and I hear your every cry. I will speak to you in the night hours as you look to Me and listen. I have good things to speak to you and to show you.
~ Gail Manizak
Gail Manizak of The Power and Presence Ministry, is all about encouraging the Body of Christ as a Ministry of Intercession and contending for our communities, as a House of Prayer.
He does see us, even with everything that is going on for everyone everywhere, He SEES us.
I just told someone that today in encouraging them… the LORD gave it to me through a teaching and it comforted me deeply.
This is confirmation for me!