E-Books for free Download:

Reestablishing Your Authority :- by His Kingdom Prophecy.
Based on our Prayer Ministry experience, this 18 page e-booklet guide is designed and structured to help you re-establish your authority over your circumstances and vanquish the enemy from your life and from your family.

book cover imageThe Mind of Christ :- by David Murry
Learn How to Think, Feel & See What is Flowing from His Heart — A 313 page PDF.
“In order to walk in the Mind of Christ we first must come to a spiritual understanding of what that means. Then we must take our soul (mind, will and emotions) and submit and reshape it until we think, feel and above all, believe the very things that Jesus does.”

book cover image by authorDivisions : Spiritual & Physical :- by Stephen Hanson
A 249 page e-book — a Prophetic Word spoken on June 3, 2000. I have it towards the beginning of my talk because it speaks of a prophetic word that came to pass. This Word concerned the 9-11 Bombing as well as our subsequent war that was to begin in Iraq. I share this Word because it’s always good to know and remember when a Prophetic Word has come to pass so that we know that the prophet or prophetic person, heard it correctly from the Lord. We know from looking back now, that we as a people made it through one of our most darkest days, and even though there are even darker days ahead of us, we can know that God will be our shelter from the great storms that are coming.

download book coverA Heart Change Needed for a Great Awakening :– by Sandi Holman
A 38 page E-Book birthed out of a desire for a great awakening to come to America and the nations during the pandemic and Covid crisis. A prophetic intercessor, Sandi’s heart is filled with the desire to send hope, comfort, encouragement and peace to the masses who needed an encounter with God, as one encounter with The LORD can change everything and it always begins with the heart!
These short five chapters deal with some of the many issues of the heart and why we must guard it.

Feasts Book CoverKnow and Celebrate The Feasts of THE LORD as a Christian ꟷ Now and Forever! :- by Jacob Addison Awagah.
This book is a PDF file in these size options :
A4 Letter Size — 33 pages.
A5 Book Size — 62 pages.

Declarations book-1 Spiritual WarfareDeclarations :- by Dawn M. Flores.
A set of 5 themed PDF books of Christian Declarations for everyday use.
1) Spiritual Warfare.
2) Leadership Consecration.
3) Unity in the Body.
4) You Strength is in The LORD.
5) Ignite Your Destiny.

book cover imageThe Acts 29 Book for 2020 :- by Johann van der Hoven.
An 86 page prophetic Word for the year 2020 giving details of the New Sound The LORD is bringing forth for a time of revelation.
The Holy Spirit very clearly spoke to Johann’s heart and said that a NEW SOUND! will be released on earth in 2020.
This NEW SOUND will be the sound of the restoration of His true and authentic church in the earth.

The Spiritual Journey book coverThe Spiritual Journey :- by Ty Unruh
The author says, “This is a spiritual guide for those who want more of The LORD, and desire to go on with the Holy Spirit to fullness. This book releases understanding into why we suffer in this life, and explains how The LORD is working through our circumstances. It also details my experiences growing up spiritually in the church, and what I learned from those experiences. May this book bless you and may The LORD reveal Himself to you in a deeper way through the reading of this book. I pray you find answers that you have been seeking, and your relationship with The LORD is strengthened.”

Word Studies In the New Testament :- by Marvin R. Vincent, D.D.
"NEW TESTAMENT commentaries are so numerous, and, many of them, so good, that a new essay requires some explanation. Taking a position midway between the exegetical commentary and the lexicon and grammar, it aims to put the reader of the English Bible nearer to the stand-point of the Greek scholar, by opening to him the native force of the separate words of the New Testament in their lexical sense, their etymology, their history, their inflection, and the peculiarities of their usage by different evangelists and apostles.
Volumes 1 & 2 (File Size 4Mb.) 1,413 pages.
Volumes 3 & 4 (File Size 4Mb.) 1,150 pages.

book coverThere Shall Be No Ebb :- by Arthur Burt.
A very specially called Christian, Arthur Burt took a very specific message to some 44 nations for than 50 years. While he searched out the mysteries of the Kingdom, his life became an adventure exploring the ways of God in many nations. Arthur , “Prepare! We’re in the last of the last days! Humble yourself! He’s calling for a people who can handle the Presence of God to the Glory of God! Jesus did everything with nothing.”

OR buy Overcoming Life on AmazonOvercoming Life – on a Small Planet, (Heaven Style Living for Earthlings) :- by Ron McGatlin.
A lot of scripture about the Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of God takes on a whole new practical reality of meaning in down to earth illustrated easy to understand language. This book is a good tool for helping to teach kingdom principles in a profound, simple and practical way. (149 pages, 8 1/2 X ll in.)

A Modern-Day Parable :- by Ron McGatlin.
Jesus spoke deep truths of the Kingdom in simple stories about natural things with profound spiritual meaning. The people with “ears to hear” heard deep Spirit truth and revelation from His simple stories. This 35 page book, written in 2015, is a prophetic allegory that brings clear enlightenment about the events of today, how we have come to this place, and where things are going from here. A story of truth about the people of THE MOUNTAIN OF GOD.

Kingdom Growth Guides (Maturing in the gospel of the Kingdom) :- by Ron McGatlin.
The 52 Kingdom Growth Guides are based on and updated from the books Overcoming Life On A Small Planet and The Seventh Millennium. They are focused on the current transition from religion to relationship and are useful for individual and small group transformation. (294 pages)

The Seventh MilenniumThe Seventh Millennium (Restoration Of A Small Planet) :- by Ron McGatlin.
This book is potent in revealing the gospel of the Kingdom and presenting Kingdom alternatives to some previously held church doctrinal errors. It builds upon the foundation of kingdom understanding in Overcoming Life On A Small Planet. (207 pages)

The Basiliea LettersThe Basileia Letters Volumes 1&2 :- by Ron McGatlin.
This book is a compilation of practical kingdom teaching letters originally sent to thousands by email from the years 1997 to 2000. Practical issues such as money, sex, business, competition, the changing church, holiness, family, revival are dealt with in light of the Kingdom. (330 pages)

The Smithton OutpouringI Saw The Smithton Outpouring (Revival On A Small Planet):- by Ron McGatlin.
This is a first hand account of a powerful spiritual outpouring in a tiny Missouri farm town. Among corn fields in a town of 532 people with no gas station and not even a coke machine the fire of God fell in 1995. In 3½ years over 250,000 attended the outpouring from all 50 states and over 60 foreign countries to experience the miraculous works of God. (168 pages)

End of This Age :- by Ron McGatlin
This is an encouraging prophetic eye-opening spiritual account of the intervention of God bringing the current transition and transformation of the church and the world from the church system age to the kingdom of God reality age, from the Pentecostal era to the Tabernacle era of the glory of God within and among His people. (68 pages)

Kingdom Business Transformation :- by Ron McGatlin
God’s Purpose for Business – In the Kingdom God’s ultimate purpose for business is fundamentally the same as His purpose for ministry. Both are designed by God to provide and care for the people the planet and all that is on it. God has a perfect order for doing the business of our lives that is the most successful way of doing business. It is very different from the Babylonian style of business that we have inherited from the past.

Kingdom Basics – God’s Kingdom Tribal Lifestyle :- Ron McGatlin
The finished work of Jesus is progressively being formed in God’s called-out people and will eventually flow into the entire world. We are currently in a season of much revelation coming forth from God in preparation for functioning in the new world governed by the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of God is a heavenly spiritual reality on earth. It is higher and more powerful in every way than the natural reality that was created by and is sustained by the spiritual Kingdom from heaven.

The Resurrection of the USAThe Resurrection of the USA (A Word of Hope – Prospering in the Midst of Chaos and Disruption) :- by Pastor Joseph G. Sweet.
This small book is a series of revelations given by The LORD Jesus Christ, concerning the USA, which Pastor Sweet received beginning in 2007. These revelations are prophetic words that contain HOPE for the future of the USA. They include wisdom and counsel on what is coming and how to successfully navigate the unprecedented days ahead.
Hard Copies of this book are available at Shekinah Worship Center.

Book coverA Required Resource Reference for ALL Bible Scholars
A Dictionary of the Proper Names of the Old and New Testament Scriptures ~ being an Accurate and Literal Translation from the Original Tongues by J. B. Jackson

Rebuilding Babel in Our Hearts :- by Priscilla Van Sutphin.
A 643 page scripture-based ebook. God has created good things for man, and continues to give us wonderful gifts and blessings, that through these things we might discover God, and come to know Him better.

150 Bible Chapters :- on the End Times by IHOP-KC Mission Base.

Christianity is not a Religion :- by James A. Fowler.
A 168 page E-Book asserting that Christianity is not a Religion but Christianity is Christ!

Derek Prince :- Teaching Letters Part 1
Derek Prince :- Teaching Letters Part 2

book cover imageFor We Need To Start Somewhere :- by Yolanda Ballard.
A 67 page e-book to encourage those who have struggled for so long to find their place in the body of Christ and to be able to function in it. To those who have not been able to break through the barriers built around themselves by the enemy of their soul and also by their own doing. To those who have been locked in the midst of fears, insecurities, hurts and pain, there is hope. There is life for you in The LORD of Lords and King of Kings. The LORD Jesus Christ died to give you life. He promised you an abundant life here on this earth.

God’s Generals :- God’s Generals – Why They Succeeded and Why some Failed, by Roberts Liardon.
The stories of 12 of God’s General’s and their lived for Him. A 371 page e-book. Articles on John Alexander Dowie, Maria, Woodworth Etter, Evan Roberts, Smith Wigglesworth, Kathryn Kuhlman, A.A. Allen and others.

Overcoming the Victim Spirit :- By Arthur Burk.
A 65 page E-book covering all aspects of the Victim Spirit. Chapter heading: 1 The Many Faces of the Victim Spirit, 2 The Dominion Mandate, 3 The Victim Mindset, 4 Demonic Partners, 5 Deliverance, 6 Growth Sequences, 7 Enforcing Freedom.

Prayers that Release Heaven On Earth :- Apostle John Eckhardt.
A 69 page e-book version in English and Chinese. Can be downloaded in PDF Format or editable MSWord Format.

Rapture or No Rapture — YOU Decide :- by Pastor Brain Hay.

The Early Christians by Eberhard Arnold :- A history of early Christians in their own words.

The Final Conflict is Upon Us:- A 220 page E-Book by Pastor Brian Hay of OmegaTimes.com explaining and revealing the facts behind the end-times works of Satan which main-stream media refuses to acknowledge.

The Names of Jesus :- by Elmer L. Towns.
A 106 page E-Book with over 700 names of the Holy Spirit.

The Names of the Holy Spirit :- by Elmer L. Towns.
A 143 page E-Book.

The Pursuit of God :- by A. W. Tozer.
One of the classic Christian book from the last 100 years. A MUST READ for all Christians.

The Prayer Book :- Hundreds of Prayers for all occasions.

The Seven Biblical Curses – Deliverance Prayers:- by Pastor Arthur Burk, 2002.
A 22 page e-book with full explanation of The Seven Old Testament Biblical Curses and the related seven Deliverance Prayers. The Zip files contains both PDF and editable MS Word files.

12 Mysteries book coverThe Twelve Mysteries of Scripture :- William Edwy Vine. A 121 page book (PDF) Public Domain.

The Wisdom of the Sadhu Sundar Singh :- by the Indian Christian Sadhu, Sundar Singh.

Tongues – A Biblical Study :- by Dr. Saneesh Cherian & Dr. Johnson C. Philip.
A study from a Cessationist, but still valuable view point.
WARNING: The views and conclusions contained are not endorsed or supported by His Kingdom Prophecy.

The-Walk-Of-The-Spirit-The-Walk-Of-Power coverThe Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of Power: The vital Role of Praying in Tongues by Dave Roberson.
15 Chapters, 3 Appendices and 219 Pages.
All you need to know about praying in Tongues….

Other E-Books Download Locations:

Amazon :- Christian Books and Bibles – not free but many for very little.

Barnes & Noble :- A collection of 660 Christian eBooks.

BfA logoBibles for America :- Bibles for America (BfA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to giving away free copies of the New Testament Recovery Version study Bible and free Christian books by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee.

Communion with God Ministries :- Most of their books are only available in electronic form (i.e., they are not available to be purchased in hard copy at this time), and may be freely downloaded and circulated with the one requirement that they must be distributed with the copyright information intact.

Christian Books :- 2,440 books on Christian life and living for all readers. New and up to date publications. At a price.

Dave Roberson Ministries :- Dave provides an extensive collection of eBooks, mini-books, videos, MP3s prophecies, and other teaching materials, such as letters.

Disciples of Jesus Ministry :- An interesting collection of free eBbooks and articles – quite extensive. ( https://www.discipleofjesussite.com/ )

Discovery House Publishing :- An extensive selection of eBooks for Christian living at a price.

E-Library – Christian E-Books :- Plenty choice, some free mostly at a price.

Elmer L Towns :- Online Christian books

Global Christians :- Has a huge database of doctrinally based books for download. It is subdivided further into different categories that match what you are looking for. For example they have a bible study section, a ministry and theology section, and a Christian living ethics and social issues section. Just click on the book that you want and the download begins almost immediately.

Hope Faith Prayer :- This blog is all about FAITH, Bible faith, faith in God, growing faith, and using faith. Plant Hope, harvest Faith, and release it in Prayer – The Mechanics of Faith. There is nothing more important. 150+ Free E-books available for download.

Jesus :- Has a few motivational eBooks. They mainly have doctrinal books, but there is a handful of motivational books as well. The link provided takes you to the motivational eBooks.

Jesus Army Library :- A good selection of books. The Jesus Army (also known as the Jesus Fellowship Church) aims to be a contemporary expression of the historic Christian faith. All kinds of people are involved: young and old, rich and poor. The Jesus Army is particularly active with many in need, including homeless young people, prisoners and ex-prisoners and those involved in alcohol and drug abuse.

Monergism :- Has a very large database of free Christian eBooks. On this site each book is listed by author. It seems that most of the books on this site are limited to doctrinal commentary and interpretation. You can easily access authors from Calvin to Edersheim. This site requires a little more digging if you are looking for a specific topic, if you are looking for a specific author it does very well.

NTS Lirary :- Has a wide array of doctrinal books, from apologetics to theology and worship. This website is organized topically, once you click on the topic then you gain access to the various books that they have available.

Online Christian Library :- The Online Christian Library of Theological Resources is regularly updated and is non-denominational, representing a diverse selection of theological positions for the purpose of providing the reader with information on different positions which may challenge our thinking on an existing position and thereby lead, through study, to a more educated understanding. Lots of PDF E-Books for free download.

Open Heaven.Com :- Extensive Free Downloads of Kingdom/Apostolic Books, Articles & Audio/Video Teachings By: Ron McGatlin – Wolfgang Simson -David Orton – Kriston Couchey – Byron Wiebold – Marc A Dupont – Wade E Taylor – George H Warnock – Charles Elliot Newbold Jr.

The New Life Mission :- The New Life Mission works to spread the Gospel of the water and the Spirit all over the world through literature. By introducing the website to someone close to you so that he may download free Christian e-books, you become a precious participant of serving God through spreading the Gospel of the water and the Spirit. Multiple languages available.

The Plough :- A wide collection of resources for Christian living: free Christian books to download and timely articles. Search by topic, author or title. For those who love real books, visit the books in print page.

The Plough Articles :- A large selection of Christian articles.

The Olive Tree :- Christian eBooks for All Mobile Devices at a price.

Thrift Books :- A number of eBooks and Bibles available at a price.

Up Stream Ministries :- Christian Website.

Book Stores :

Great Commission Publications :- a ministry of the Committee on Christian Education of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Committee for Christian Education & Publications of the Presbyterian Church in America. The non-profit corporation is jointly run by a representative Board of Trustees consisting of ministers and elders from both churches. Especially for kid’s books.

Christian Videos:

Christian Videos:- Christian Videos is the UK’s number-one site for the best in Christian Movies, Documentaries and Books, and now downloads, either for purchase or for rental.

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Christian E-Books — 15 Comments

  1. This site is a seed sown in the body of christ will will start bearing fruits many years to come. It is a labor that will surely attract God’s reward. Please keep the fire burning. May you receive grace to improve end extend this labor.

  2. Greetings in Jesus Name! Where can I find free & helpful articles or teaching manuals for Training Church Workers & Leaders , please . Thanks!

  3. I never know such a website exist under heaven.

    This is a blessing, You are blessed in Christ Richly already in Jesus name.

    • Dear Denise,
      Thanks for your comment.  Praise the Lord for His guidance! 
      If you have any ideas on what other topics and information you would find useful, please do let us know!
      Blessings in Christ,

    • Dear Peter,
      Thanks for your comment.
      Please help spread the Word – it all belongs to God!!
      If there anything more we can do for you, please just let us know.
      Blessings, J&A

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