HomeChristian TestimoniesRepentance is Wisdom


Repentance is Wisdom — 1 Comment

  1. Actually we are not able to change our mind by ourself, it can only be done by hearing the Father and by the ways He shows us our wrong thoughts. When we change our mind in our own strenght it is only a change of opinion and is not the same as a changed and renewed mind. As an example I did always think that I had taught my children to “not lie” because that is what I allways told them. One day when, when they were adult, I suspected that one of them did not tell the truth and I found it strange because I’ve allways told them to not lie, in the very same moment I got a vision when they were small children and the phone rung and they answered it and came to me and said that that or that one wanted to speak to me, and I did not feel to speak in the phone so I said that the child should say that mommy is sleeping.
    I was chocked, the Lord showed me how I had taught my kids to lie. Without this vision I had never been able to understand the importance never speak even the smallest white lie. This is how God alone changes our mind.
    We can only draw near to this Wisdom by wanting Him to expose all our darkness (lack of knowledge).

    “For God hath not (by chastening us) given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (a mind of understanding His Ways) .2Tim.1:7

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