Repent, for GOD is in You
Read Psalm 91, staying under the shadow of the almighty is the habitation of the wise and humble. This is where all will become abundantly clear as you stay in the presence of the Most High!
Everything and everyone not of God connected to you wrongfully is revealed to you there!
All that is “loud,” destructive, hindering, tormenting, confusing, frustrating etc. Is made to be quiet and cast out, there!
Demonic and Satanic strongholds, imaginations, wicked rulers, princes and principalities, bondages, fetters and “prison cells” of all types of afflictions, illness and sickness, are destroyed, dismantled and broken there!
Wicked weapons of mass destruction from all the camps and meetings of the enemy Satan against you are without legal right, there!
Plans and plots of assassinations, murder and suicide are shredded up to dust by the sword of the spirit, there!
Witches and warlocks, sorcerers and wizards, magicians and wicked priests lose their wicked ability, there!
Nothing can harm nor touch you there because you are in the presence of the Lord! The blood says so!
Get into that place, now! Back into the presence of the Lord and be healed and made whole in all areas of your lives!
Truly, lack no good thing! Give up your false gods and idols, turn them in now, for the priceless exchange of holiness and full submission to God through Jesus Christ! Cease your tongues from lying and all defilement, let truth be bound to you every word!
Let no wicked thing be in your sight! Refuse the table of wickedness and eat the fruit of the righteousness, do it now!
Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent, for God is in the “building” (you)!
Even now as I write this, the Spirit of the Lord is showing me his foot stepping hard onto ground that immediately ripples and waves, becoming clean and clear with an indescribable light coming from just his one step! And all that is not of him, beyond quickly moves like lighting speed out of His way!…“This is Holy Ground!” says the Spirit of the Lord!
– Apostle Jennifer Hobbs
Apostle Jennifer Hobbs is a non-traditional, remnant co-founder and co-leader of Whole Armour of God Ministries International. This ministry, based out of Northeastern Pennsylvania, seeks to not only help bring healing and deliverance through the guidance of the Holy Ghost, while also building churches (people) in accordance to Matthew 16:16-18. The ministry specializes in not only deliverance but demonology as well; with an understanding of the principles and principalities that rule this world (Ephesians 6:10-20) and how to best defeat them in Jesus’ name. The ministry has been blessed to be operating under the Apostolic and Prophetic anointing with signs and wonders following (Mark 16:17), with the ultimate goal of lifting up the name of Jesus and proclaiming the Gospel accordingly (Ezekiel 2, 2 Corinthians 12:12).
Colossians 2:10 (NKJV)
and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.