HomeProphecyRemember Who You Are


Remember Who You Are — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you Marietta for this POWERFUL word from the Lord. I loved “Abide in readiness in Me. Things are about to change! The words of the Lord just jumped off the page all the way to the end. These are serious times. May we heed this word of warning and exhortation from the Lord. Blessings, Sandi Holman

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Sandi!  What an honor that we are living in this time!  Our God is up to something massive and we get to see it!  May the Lord bless you and everything you put your hand to!❤️❤️❤️

  2. This is such a powerful word my sister that I wish to share… if I may pull out but the ending here. As it is also the beginning, perhaps?
    We start and stop but keep going in His beautiful design and love ‘ALWAYS’. Sweet blessings, Marietta. ❤️

    “You ask, ‘Who am I that this should be?’
    You are Mine and I AM yours!
    That is who you are! Remember and walk in this reality, My Beloved,” says The LORD!
    “Your destiny lies in living in this Truth!”

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