HomeProphecyRegarding Lying Prophets and Manasseh Type Leaders


Regarding Lying Prophets and Manasseh Type Leaders — 3 Comments

  1. Lord Thank You for Confirming YOUR WORD out of the Mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses! IN Genesis 6:6-The Bible says that God grieves over sin, and The Lord reminds us in Psalm 96:13: “He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with HIS TRUTH. Those with EYES to SEE and EARS to HEAR, know by the SPIRIT of GOD, that the Lord is Calling HIS People to REPENT Like NEVER BEFORE! 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If ‘my people who are ‘called by ‘my name ‘humble themselves, and ‘pray and ‘seek my face and ‘turn from their ‘wicked ways, then I will ‘hear from heaven and will ‘forgive their sin and ‘heal their land”.  LORD HAVE MERCY-AS WE HEED YOUR VOICE WITH REPENTANT HEARTS☝

  2. What a powerful word from the Lord. He has been patient and given us warnings many times. Judgment is here….. repent!

    Thanks for sharing Syreeta, God bless.

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