Regain Focus!
As a trained Certified Counselor in three areas of Inner Healing, I have ministered Inner Healing and Deliverance to many who were bound for years.
Lately, as an Intercessor, I have found myself in a place where I couldn’t seem to gain control — and all I could do is cry.
I could not seem to focus on my true identity. Memories of my past training began to light the corners of my mind. I began to seek The LORD for understanding, for it appeared that I was in a full-blown panic attack.
I heard The LORD speak softly to me, “Deep soul wounds and insecurities are coming to a head in this crucial time of much needed wholeness.
Those wounds and places of insecurity that remain unresolved, become a breeding ground for control, manipulation, and false motives.
You have harbored a hidden fear deep in your heart, that has come to the surface as you continue to write about a needed heart change, the fear that no one wants to hear about — the need for heart change, because they think they know their own heart — has open a door that you thought was closed.
The fear of man, and a desire for him to accept the Truth regarding heart changes, is akin to seeking the acceptance of men, which you have repeatedly taught, sets you up for their rejection!
It is time to regain your focus, and receive a single eye. Focus, focus, focus! Then the whole body is flooded with Light.
Focus is a simple matter of Survival. Focus on the results — not the resistance or the self-proposed problem!
I AM loosing clarity of vision to many who are caught up in the spirit of fear that is so rampant in the world.
I AM sending New Vision that they may envision the Plan that I have for them.
True Purpose is being restored in this time of Awakenings to Truth, that will change everything, and put all things in proper perspective,” says the all-knowing Father.
“My chosen Ones shall boldly embrace their purpose with courage, and like a swift arrow shot into the air, will hit the Mark right on Target!
Redemption of all that has been lost, is becoming widespread, for I AM the Redeemer.
Redemption Life is being breathed into those who have lost hope for tomorrow and renewed strength shall come to those who are weary for they will be know by the masses as My Battle-Axes,” says The Father.
“Align yourself with My Design. Equip yourself with My Mind. Let your behavior and words become One, for your actions will confirm your words with great definition.
This is an hour when you must allow your mind to be renewed, and allow your single eye to light up your actions, as you change your thinking. Set your mind on things above,” says the Captain of The LORD of Hosts.
“Then, and only then, you are taking down the emotional fortress that has been built on self-protection.
I AM calling forth My Leaders, who are honest and will keep their hearts pure as true, Sons and Daughters.
True Honesty will bring belief and repentance. One of the biggest tools to bring everlasting healing to insecurities, is the revelation of True Sonship,” exhorts The Father.
“True Honesty is a desire that is birthed in The Fear of God. When you are honest with The LORD your God, it will create within you to be honest with yourself, and your fellowmen in all areas of life,” says The One True God.
“Your heart will be restless until you find peace with God. You will either prepare your heart to seek The LORD or you will do evil. (2 Chronicles 12:14).
Know this,” says The LORD, “The Holy Spirit has been travailing through you, and many of the emotions you have experienced are not all yours, but mine.
They are deeply profound and they have pierced your heart, but in the end, they shall result in Covenant.
The blind eyes shall see, the lame shall walk, and the hard hearts shall melt like wax in the presence of The LORD.”
Many Intercessors are experiencing the deep rejection that the world has for The LORD and His People. But as this has gripped their hearts in intercession, what they are feeling is the weight of God’s heart burning within them.
Yes, it is time to Travail to Prevail.
The treasure of travail is a powerful gift in your arsenal that will always bring breakthrough!
When The LORD pierces our hearts as spoken of in Lamentations 3:12-13,
“He drew his bow and make me the target of his arrow. He pierced my heart with arrows from his quiver.”
He is lovingly allowing us to be broken bread and poured out wine.
He allows us to be burdened about a person, place or situation that produces travail.
It is manifested in many ways, but it begins with a heaviness and weeping that forges into us a deep concern.
May we all catch the Vision! May we all learn to YIELD, and may we all be willing to be in LABOR to birth Laborers for the building of His Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven.
“And he did evil, because he did not prepare his heart to seek The LORD.” 2 Chronicles 12:14.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
I was losing focus from carrying burden of souls & started asking the Lord why everything seems static & out of control. So on the morning of June 11/2022, the Lord asked me to study the “BOOK OF JOSHUA” that HE would like to show me some things. This I started in obedience & stopped at chapter 5 yesterday evening. Recall, verses 13-15 of this very chapter 5 talks about the Captain of the army of the Lord. This you mentioned in the prophetic words too. Again, this early morning, I woke up weeping before the Lord for myself & countless souls. So,the prophetic words give a clear picture of where I am currently woman of God Sandi. But because the Lord said so “I Regain My Focus in Jesus name Amen”! May God increase your anointing. Thanks
Thanks for much Adams for your touching testimony of how God is moving through you for the lost and the understanding of the great need to Regain Focus. I receive that increase of His anointing, Thank you. Blessings, Sandi
Wow Sandi, thank you for your transparency!!
I can relate completely!!
God bless you beautiful lady!! :D
You are so welcome. It is so good when one can that is transparency, dear Cheri!!! May God bless your beautiful heart! xoxo Sandi
I have experienced something like this. When weeping comes upon me as I am praying for someone, I begin to see my prayers answered.
Dear rsg, Weeping may last for a night but joy comes in the morning. How wonderful that God allows us to weep with Him, weep with those who weep, and partake of their healing and deliverance. Thanks for sharing. Be blessed! Sandi