Refreshing and Overflow in the Land!
I was praying this morning when the Lord showed me the Desert or the Wilderness. Very Dry and Very Desolate place, it looked like sun burnt fields, no freshness anywhere in sight.
Nothing could live here in this wilderness but scorpions and snakes. He showed me many Christians that have walked through this place or are walking through this place as part of the journey, even as Jesus did, they are facing an enemy that has been defeated by the BLOOD…… though in the deadness of this place, in this place of dryness and desolation…. temptation comes and the voice of the enemy can be heard, even as Jesus was tempted and hearing the voice of temptation.
So many feeling abandoned by the ONE you love. I see many wondering what place,
many wondering am I backslid?
or am I not right with God,
am I on the wrong path?
or did I lose the Lord somewhere along the way……?
But He is there.
I then saw the waters come and in that vision as soon as the water was being poured out, the dryness and deadness became GREEN and FRESH and LUSH.
“to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word,” Ephesians 5:26 NLT .
The Lord says:
“I AM getting ready to pour waters on the dry land and to fill up empty places with Myself.
I AM getting ready to overflow upon the earth My Spirit and the Water of Life once again, in and without measure the water is coming even in flood stages to bring them into the Kingdom from the South the North the East and the West. For I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields. And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and My blessing on your children.
I AM reinvigorate you that are thirsty and dry.
I AM making all things new, freshness and greenness is coming to the Land. I have heard the cry of My Intercessors, those who pray and stand in the gap for the nations.”
— refreshingly:
pleasantly new, different, or interesting. 2 : making you feel more rested, energetic, cool, etc. refreshingly different/ honest/
“I have given waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My chosen people.… The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise. Praise Him in the sanctuary praise Him in the Desert place, let all every people praise ye the Lord.
Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water, no water for refreshing?
Who brought you forth water out of the rock of flint?“
The Lord says:
“I have kept you in every place your feet have trod, no matter how you felt or what place you were in or are in.
The Lord is in this place, even in the fire I AM with you, and in the water you will be refreshed. REFERSHNG, GREENESS, FIELDS ARE FLOURISHING AGAIN.”
Amen and Amen
~ Gail Manizak
Gail Manizak of The Power and Presence Ministry, is all about encouraging the Body of Christ as a Ministry of Intercession and contending for our communities, as a House of Prayer.
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