Receiving Present Day Revelation
If we truly want present day revelation, we must have a level of solid Christian maturity to not only discern it, but to apply it.
There are more and more “muddy” approaches regarding, “how to be wise or savvy in living your life,” being sold in bookstores and every media venue out there!
If you want to drink or eat re-cycled food… well, be my guest. BUT! If you truly desire depth, and a secure anchor for surviving and flourishing in any circumstance that you will most certainly have attempt to sidetrack and undermine your Godly Destiny, you and I will have to go to THE SOURCE of Wisdom and stay there until we “Get it.”
”We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, Who are coming to nothing,” 1 Corinthians 2:6.
If we are truly going have a move of God’s Heart not just His Hand in the form of a “Harvest”, we need to start living the lifestyle that sets a precedence for such a move!
Prying our fingers away from what we will not share with others until “we” are first satisfied and justified in our own self- preservation. This does not just apply to material goods.
It means sharing from the heart humbly, partaking openly with others, allowing them in and allowing tears to flow in vulnerability.
These make us equals in painful times and equal when we rejoice. If folks can’t share during their good times and seasons of abundance, they will not fully obey the LORD in caring for their brothers and sisters when times are difficult.
The LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind every single thought.
“If you seek him, you will find him; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.”
1 Chronicles 28:9.
Woe to those who think they are fooling themselves when they say that they, “need to be careful when they give,” so people don’t depend on them or expect more from them!
Can you even Imagine Jesus saying that?
He would never withhold from us in order to protect His financial investments or hard earned, “worked to the bone” assets! He gave ALL with no guarantee that we would ever appreciate or value it.
Oswald Chambers wrote the following statement:
“Whenever we are obstinate and self-willed and set upon our own ambitions,
….. We are hurting Jesus.
Every time we stand on our rights and insist that this is what we intend to do,
….. We are persecuting Jesus.
Whenever we stand on our dignity we systematically vex and grieve His Spirit; and when the knowledge comes home that it is Jesus Whom we have been persecuting all the time,
….. It is the most crushing revelation there could ever be.”
~Oswald Chambers ~
In His Shadow,
~ Mary Lindow ©
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed as long as complete message and website information for Mary Lindow is included. Thank You!
” THE MESSENGER ” ~ Mary Lindow
Global Prayer Rooms
Mary Lindow has a passion for encouraging others – all generations, careers or vocations to live expressing excellence through personal integrity, healthy accountability, and wise management of talents and skills. She’s a sought after keynote, inspirational, humorous speaker and teacher across the USA and internationally in Ministers & Spiritual leaders Conferences, and training seminars for various organizations. |
I have left a comment but it did not go through. A true servant of God does not have to pay for any of God’s blessings.
Giving is personal between the individual and the Lord. It is just hard to believe that financial giving is a determining factor for what the Lord gives to us.