“Quiet Your Fears!” says The LORD!
“Quiet yourself! Quiet your fears. Quiet your thoughts! Silence your opinions. HUSH! Be still and know that I AM GOD.”
“Shut your ears to the pessimistic and doubting voices around you and their endless opinions and expertise wisdom and knowledge and counsel. I AM the wonderful counselor that KNOWS everything and I KNOW YOU.
“I see you and I know you and I understand you and I know the way you take. Ask ME for counsel and forsake your own inferior wisdom and the limited ways of yourself and others that are vying for your attention and do not surrender to these thoughts and ways. Surrender yourself completely to ME!
“I AM THE WAY, and I AM the path and I AM the VOICE and I AM the ALL Wise GOD in the midst of you. BE STILL AND KNOW that I AM GOD in the midst of you, in the midst of your circumstances that are never ending and constantly changing and challenging you,” says The LORD.
“When did I lead you astray? When Did I abandon you? When did I reject you? When did I cease to order your steps and guide you with My eyes? I ask you, when Did I fail you or shun you or condemn you?
“NEVER, says the LORD. NEVER have, never will and not doing so now. I AM your ever present friend that sticks closer to you than a brother.
“I AM unsurpassed, and My wisdom is unfailing. ASK ME! SEEK ME! You will find ME when you shut out the voices of others and your own and turn to Me completely and see Me and know Me and embrace Me as your total source at all times and in all things.
“I never miss and I will take care of every need that you have as you press into My presence and entrust yourself to Me, and wait on Me! Silence yourself and close your ears and eyes to what is vying for your attention, and look steadfastly upon ME.
“Hear My voice only, and follow My lead. I AM trustworthy, accurate, dependable and complete. I will take care of you and lead and guide you as you become still in My presence and hear My VOICE and obey,” says The LORD.
First published: April 30, 2016.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.