Pursue, Overtake and Recover All!
“Angelic battering ram — a Divine Confrontation is taking place!”
Like roaring thunder… I heard these words in the realm of The Spirit as I went before my Papa today, “It’s time — for My People to pursue, to overtake and recover all!”
As I heard those words, suddenly a vision opened up to me where I saw. a mighty Army arising and advancing across the nations of the earth.
This mighty Army was driving back the powers of darkness. I saw every demon in hell trembling as The Army of The LORD moved together as one.
Then suddenly I saw what looked like a wall of White Light moving with great power and acceleration ahead of the mighty Army of The LORD, and as I looked a little closer in the vision, I heard these words, “Angelic battering ram….. for a Divine Confrontation is taking place!”
Then I saw an Army of mighty Warrior Angels going ahead of The Army of God. This wall of angelic warriors moved with great might and power across the nations.
A mighty battering ram of supernatural strength and force that went forth, uprooting and tearing down every demonic stronghold and stranglehold of the enemy, and overturning and overthrowing every demonic throne of witchcraft and wickedness.
As I watched, I felt as the heavens shook and hell trembled.
Every false foundation was being shaken loose and every hidden thing was being fully uncovered and exposed.
The workers of darkness had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. The army of God’s Righteous Remnant were going forth across the nations, taking back ground that was stolen and occupying and establishing new territory.
Then I saw the light of His Glory filling the whole earth and the heavy yoke and spiritual atmosphere of death and destruction that held so many nations captive and in deep bondage were being broken and lifted.
The powers and principalities of darkness were being paralysed and made impotent. Satanic high powers could no longer hinder or halt what was being sifted, shifted and shaken by the great Power and Authority of the mighty armies of God.
Then I heard these words, “Behold… My Kingdom shall come, and My Will, will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Truly it shall be done.
You are Mighty and Powerful and Faithful and Beautiful my God!!!!!
Worthy!!! You are Worthy!!!
I praise You Father!!! Thank You Thank You Father!!!
The Kingdom of Our God has Become the Kingdom of the Earth!!!! IT IS FINISHED!!!!
Oh Veronica!! I praise Him for using you in my life!! Thank you beautiful lady, with all of my heart!!! The battle has been so long and so fierce!! His encouragement through you is SOO appreciated!!! Praise God!!
You know, He showed me that today is a leap day, reminding me that we are definitely leaping forth like calves released from the stall, trampling down the wicked as dust beneath the soles of our feet!!!!
PS 120