HomeProphecyProphets Aflame!


Prophets Aflame! — 4 Comments

  1. This is part of a word from the Lord that came just this morning ….
    ” For now is the time in history when the world will see who is truly in charge.
    Listen for the sound of the trumpet, listen for the angel voices, listen for the sound of the rushing wind of MY Holy Spirit.
    For now is the time that I will do what I say and what the prophets have spoken, my true servants who listen to MY voice and hear MY call.. Those who are called faithful and true! Those who speak what I have spoken and who are obedient to MY call.
    Test Me and see that everything is now yes and AMEN.
    For the washing by the BLOOD of the LAMB must do it’s work, for I am about to PASSOVER again….”
    Typed in obedience to our Lord and Savior.
    The longer word goes on to talk about the true ecclesia that stands out in a world that is no better than the days of Noah or Sodom and Gomorrah. So much of the institutionalized church has compromised the Word of God, so as Robin Bullock said on many occasions , just like in the old testament, the prophet’s staff not only paves the way but are place savers holding things together until the Lord makes His move. Like you said our response is to emerse ourselves in the Word of God, with the help of the Holy Spirit to gain wisdom,help ,discernment and encouragement.
    Blessings brother Chris for your faithfulness and guidance on this hour.

  2. I am in agreement with you on the 3 voices you make reference to herein.
    God is moving and I want to keep pace with Him.
    Thank you for your post today. May you be blesses big time!!!

  3. These prophets have stood out to me as well. They are quite different in presentation and between them, we have a more complete picture of what God is up to.

  4. We let it like a seed go down in our soul and we align our mind, emotions and feelings with
    God`s principles laid down in his word. Then it will sprout and when we put the KIngdom of God first no worldly thing , the Lord makes it grow and come to fruition.We do our part and he does his.

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