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Prophetic Intercession — 14 Comments

  1. 感恩遇见,感恩有你,请您为我们代祷,感觉软弱至极!以马内利

    [ HKP : “Thanksgiving, thanksgiving for you, please pray for us, feel extremely weak!” ]

  2. WOW, WOW, I am not a prophet. I am an intercessor, and God has given me a ministry to train, raise, and edify intercessors. That is all my ministry consists of. I have desired to pray prophetic intercession. I have tears in my eyes now as I read this. Luke 2:36-37 This has long been my prayer. God let me pick up the mantel of Anna.

    • Yvonne,

      One can hear your zeal for the things of God in your post.
      My dad used to say, God will not let a hungry heart go hungry. Being an intercessor is something very special to our Father’s heart. We thank the Lord that you are faithful, with who God has called you to be, as that intercessor in the body of Christ.

  3. Patricia I read this article the other day and meant to respond. The words from the Lord stirred me inmensely!
    Thank you sis for sharing His very heart with us. ❤️ It is a powerful word confirmed to my spirit. Prayers and hugs, Joyce

  4. Patricia, Indeed,my sister, you are so fit for the master’s use. His call So beautifully presented. The part of the intimacy that really grabbed me is ‘freely freely, you have received, freely freely give’. What an amazing time we are privileged to live in. What an honor to serve Him hidden away. Anna’s life spoke volumes and set the example for those who followed. Love you and the flow of your servant heart, Sandi

  5. Welcome to NUNAVUT LORD ALMIGHTY, we welcome Patricia Hamel as you said in you words Amos 3:3. Thank you much for sharing His Thoughts and His Ways. Merci Beaucoup!

  6. Dear Jesus in Heaven! WHAT A WORD! Thank You, Lord, that with every sentence I read, I received another confirmation. This is one of the most powerful prophetic words I’ve ever heard. It’s like I was standing in front of you and you were gifting this to me, personally, from Holy Spirit!
    What an incredible blessing, Miss Patricia ❤️ and it’s only the first time I’ve ever seen one of your posts.
    Bless her gifting, Lord, and protect them, aggressively.

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