Prophesy to Those Dry Bones… Live!
Beloved, Prophesy to those dry bones… LIVE!
Let the washing of the water of the Word bring refreshment, comfort, and resurrection to every disappointment, every hope deferred, every failure and every discouragement from yesterday.
Rise, shine for The Glory of The LORD is risen upon you. Life is waiting for you to press on, and break through.
The very Breath of God is in you and bringing life to this new day that will carry you swiftly into your destined appointed time.
Yes, it is a mighty wind that will destroy all the confusion and indecision and bring fresh vision with renewed strength to fly higher, run faster, and accomplish more than you could think or even dream.
Many will be heard exclaiming, “I can fly, I can reach the sky for HE is the wind beneath my wings for His power has come to wipe away all my doubt and unbelief and breathe life into every dead thing that was designed to bear fruit for the Kingdom of God and all creation shall suddenly be awakened and surprised by His grace as the glory of The LORD is on display all across the land for all to know the earth is The LORD’s and the fullness thereof.”
The fulfillment and fullness of time is on the horizon. Look up for every long awaited promise and dream is coming forth as your redemption is drawing nigh.
The unfailing love of the bridge groom shall indeed sweep His bride right off her feet in this hour of drawing and wooing and the beauty of His Holiness shall leave you breathless as you breathe in His lingering long lasting fragrance that shall remove the stench of every dead thing.
We shall all witness how in the twinkling of an eye the wind of change shall cause us to stand still and be “blown away” by the wind, the rain, and the signs of His soon coming.
Happening now to the “Church” as we watch yesterday fade away as a memory and the remnant radiant bride arising to her true identity as the battle rages in the war between good and evil.
“I say to you,” says The Spirit of Grace, “even as many are focusing on the darkness and chaos, I say, know this, I The LORD of Glory am stirring the waters.
I AM moving behind the scenes. The birthing of My Great Awakening is now upon you. The signs, the miracles, the vast sweeping of My Spirit to rescue the perishing are beginning to cover the earth as the veil is being removed from the eyes of those who have swallowed the lies of the enemy.
They shall come to the knowledge of the truth and be set free.
Those who are drawing near as deep is calling unto deep in this set time, shall go beyond the veil into a new understanding of their role as a royal priesthood and shall carry the banner of love to a lost and dying world as they go forth shouting “HOLY! HOLY! HOLY is The LORD God Almighty!”
Then there shall be no dispute that The LORD of all creation has truly called this fullness of time day “A NEW DAY”.” says The LORD of Hosts.
“For it has been settled in The Courts of Heaven that all are being beckoned to come unto me for I AM coming soon.”
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Glory to our God.