Promotion, Promise and the Persecution
The level of your next promotion will always be determined by the magnitude of the persecution.
The persecution is a sign of the promotion and the promise that supersedes it.
“For is it not written in My Word?” (Mark 10:25-32) “Did I not say the 100 times all you gave up for My sake, will come with persecution?
I AM preparing you for it. Can you handle the weight of this promise?
They can not stand you for who you are in Me. You will be hated for My namesake, but My hand will be upon you in these last and evil days. The opposing forces despise the unstoppable movement of god that will and is taking place, right in the midst of gross darkness in the earth.
But who am I? Am I now He who holds all power? Is it not written that this is when My glory shall arise over you?” (Isaiah 60-61). “I promised My faithful ones, double this year….. Double, double, double. Will you not persevere?
Will I not bring it to pass right in the midst of your greatest warfare, right in the midst of your fight, right in the face of your adversaries?
Watch how My great light and My glory is revealed through this. I will given them all something to see, says God. My glory will be magnified in the earth.
When the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the LORD lifts up a standard against him.”
Give your God the praise, for I hear, The LORD saying that He is the one supreme being who holds all power and He is the only one who can bring you out with a mighty outstretched arm.
The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He is committed to keeping His Word as much as the enemy insists on trying your faith.
Don’t give him what he wants; continue to believe Me and move forward in faith. For without faith, it is impossible for any man to please Me. He that believes in God, must believe that He is. For is not written, your God can do anything but fail?
The Spirit of the LORD says, “Let the angels of the most high God go forth in vengeance against the kingdom of darkness and let the will of the father be done in every area of your life in Jesus’/ Yeshua’s name.
Let every arrow and dart sent forth day and night, to delay our blessings, hinder our purpose, hold back our promotion and forfeit our promises in any capacity be now and continually and destroyed by all consuming fire,” (Hebrews 12:35-29).
No one can stop that which I have already spoken. No one can stop My plan. They will move out of My way, or I will move them, says The LORD of Hosts. If I have spoken it, then I shall comply, it shall come to pass and it shall not be hindered, delayed or denied by the hands of the enemy and his defeated workers of iniquity.
“I have already sealed your redemption,” says The LORD of Hosts. “I will make every evil worker of iniquity that operates under their demonic influences pay a heavy price for their injustice.
They have refused My gift of repentance, the same way Saul refused to serve My chosen and fought against him. I will now fight against them to My own will and the manifestation of My own plan.
Surely, I , indeed I have spoken and My Word will never return unto me void.
Who can stop My hand?
Who can stop My plan?
Did I not vindicate Job?
Did I not vindicate Esther?
Did I not vindicate David in the face of his many adversaries?
Surely, surely I will vindicate you. I will honor you and will give honor unto whom My honor is due.
I will release that which I myself have spoken and it will be done My way,” says God.
“They will wish they had supported you, but then it will be too late. I know the end before the beginning and I know all those who are mine. Every man must choose, for I AM a just God.”
~ Apostle-Prophetess Adrianne Kendell
Crown Jewel Ministries.
Where living Gems become Eternal. Agape.
End Time Apostle-Prophet Adrianne Kendell
Glory to God, he has delivered me, out of the hands of the wicked one, and will deliver me from them all. Praises to Abba Daddy. Yeah !
Correction on September 11, 2016 THANK YOU WOW !!!!! NOT WOG !!!
Persecuted that is I, for I have endured Great outslaught of hatred, suffering, lies, spoken against me, constant sufferings as Christ walked on the earth, yet today my cries cries out for deliverance, to be set free from all my enemies, as it was with David, so am I. I long for the promise of deliverance to come forth speedily to me, at my work. I love my enemies, I pray for them, and bless them, asking the Father to forgive them, for they know not what they do. I am a light, chosen by my Father, who has chosen me before the foundations of the world. I need you Abba, to take vengeance upon those who has caused me pain and sufferings which seems, it won’t go away, yet I’m holding onto you, knowing you will bring me through to promotion, let it come quickly, for I don’t desire to endure another year of this, let me see the reward upon my enemies, before you take me away in Jesus name I pray, my eyes are on you, and I love you so.
Father, you said in your words, just as you were persecuted, so shall I be, and because you are in me, and I in you, there is Victory ahead for me, enlighten my understanding in all things, prepare my heart for what lies ahead, help me to walk as you, fruitful in all good works, for this suffering is for a moment, it surly will come to an end, by your ALmighty hands, Glory to God !! Thank you Father God, for my enemies, you will repay for the injustice, and my eyes will it. I decree it in Jesus, name. I had to go back to read your words spoken here once again, as it brought comfort to my soul, it has lifted me up higher in you.
Thank you so much precious heart, for sharing his words of comfort to me. I Rest, and Trust in you, my God !!! Thank you, I love you !!
Thank you Abba, again and again for your faithfulness in your words. WOW, correction from the previous post PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY, WOW !!
Awesome. Thank you Father God.