Promoted and Positioned
“I will promote you and position you as you walk humbly before Me and forfeit the temptation to elevate and build up yourself,” says The LORD.
“For the lower you become, the deeper your roots in Me will be, and the stronger you will become as I build you and bring you out of the lowly estate and exalt you to be seated in heavenly places with ME,” says The LORD.
“Never fear that you will be obscure, abandoned, rejected, disconnected, overlooked and forgotten,” says The LORD.
“For your prayers will be in remembrance and I will answer them. I will give you more than enough, and the victory that you desire and long for will be yours.
“You will be as a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hid, and many will be drawn to you as My light will be seen on you, and I will be glorified in your life, and give you My inexhaustible grace and favor,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
So beautiful.
Amen. Thank you, God bless.