HomeProphecyProclaim Those Things The LORD Speaks


Proclaim Those Things The LORD Speaks — 5 Comments

  1. Praise the Lord! God bless you, Pastor June Reinke! I pray that all is well with you in general. I believe this is where I am spiritually at this current time and season. I also believe that Jesus is calling me out to be apart of his end time army, to be bold, grounded, rooted in him, the Word of God, prayer, fasting, seeking God as I move forward in Jesus Christ.

    This has been a challenging journey for many Christians, but we as God’s children have reached a point in history, where the Lord God is making history, loving us so much to invite us to take part in end time ministry, so we suffer together, reigning with Jesus at the Rapture, Marriage Supper of the Lamb and forever by the Lord’s side.

    I ask you Pastor June Reinke, all who may be reading this forum to pray for me and all of God’s sons and daughters, that we stand up strong, walking it out in holy boldness, in Jesus Mighty Name. Hallelujah!Thank you, for sharing Pastor June, it is received, for we are embarking upon the the threshold of divine and permanent change. Much love to you Pastor June Reinke, to my blessed and beloved sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ, throughout the world. Let’s support each other in Jesus Name.️