HomeProphecyPresident Trump — His MAGA Dream — and Bowing Flagpoles


President Trump — His MAGA Dream — and Bowing Flagpoles — 54 Comments

  1. The number 8 is also the Biblical number for the Worship of God as well as new beginnings/New man.Proverbs is all about the wisdom of God/to children/the Jews/30 fold…Eccleasties is all about the wonder of God/to young men/the church ⛪️/60 fold…and the Book of Song of Solomon is all about the Worship of God/to fathers of the faith/the Bride/100 fold/and Song of Solomon has 8 chapters in it emphasising what I said about that the number 8 is all about the Worship of God…as well as new beginnings/new man/and resurrection as well!!!(Emphasis added).Amen!!!

  2. Thank you very much Veronicah for the encouraging dream on President Trump.As Joseph offered a solution to the world during his reign, the same President Trump shall do during his second term in Office.

  3. 46/is the biblical number for the building of the temple…read John 2 vs 18 to 25 especially vs 19 to 21…(Emphasis added).Trump will be the 46th President of the United States of America!!!Amen!!!

  4. Praise God! Amen!
    This is a time that we must allow God to penetrate our hearts until Phil. 2:2 [“Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.”], manifest in and through us. 
    As your sister in Christ, I sincerely thank our Father for your gift, and your boldness to post it.
    What an encouragement! 
    Continued blessings!!

  5. When you mentioned Joseph, there was a leap in my spirit for I am also a Joseph. Joseph will ascend the throne of power before the whole word as a testimony to the faithfulness of his prophetic word. Thanks Veronika and the other true prophetic voices for standing in the truth where there seems to be no way. The word will be vidicated

  6. Glory be to God. I prayed for Mr Trump in tears for God to be President 4more years. Praying from Australia. Thank you Prophetess.

  7. Veronika you are a light in the darkness. Thank you. I’m praying and truly believe that President Trump will be inaugurated as 46th president of the United States. It’s heartbreaking to see well known prophets caving in and repenting their prophecies that Trump would win.
    “God is not a man that He should lie, hath He said and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken shall He not make it good.”
    I believe God said Trump would win and I know it’s settled in heaven. Just waiting for it to manifest on earth.

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