HomeChristian LivingPrepared for Ministry and Obedience


Prepared for Ministry and Obedience — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you so much Apostle Barbara for your clarity and for praying for us to whom God has given assignments. Wow! He is an awesome and loving. I thank God everyday for such a wonderful woman like you, whatever you instruct us we do. I am so touched by this phrase you have mentioned the Spiritual Paranoid! I will humble myself in the eyes of the Lord. I received these powerful words in the name of Jesus! Amen

  2. Let us pray for one another. Dear Heavenly Father we come before you with great thanks for your son, who died for us while we were powerless to save ourselves. He have himself us as a sacrifice for our sins, when He,Our Lord Jesus, knew no sin. He walked on this earth in humility, with the power to command the winds to obey him, but presented himself as a humble Shepard in servant dress. For him we give your praise Father, for in him we have found redemption, peace, victory, strength, love, mercy and grace. For he loved us first and rescued us from the fowler a snare, when we were too helpless to save ourselves he was beaten for our sins so we could be made right with you! So Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for those who are weak in the faith this hour, that are struggling with the burdens of the ministries, whose hearts are overwhelmed by the battle, who desire your refreshing presence! For you dear Jesus showed compassion for us all and made provision for all who trust in your name. We thank you that you readily supply us with your love, and nourish our needs! That you died for the godly and ungodly, the just and the unjust, those with small faith, and those with great faith, the weak and the strong. And so we give thanks this hour for all you have created and thank you for hearing our groans and prayers. In Jesus mighty name we pray.

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