Prepare Your Heart with Perseverance!
As I was reflecting on the many times we have been warned about the days of darkness that shall come in the end-times, My husband and I were looking in our cupboard and we were laughing, because we still had some of the canned goods we stored up a few years back when ‘the Word was’ that the days of darkness were right at the door and we must store up food, water and be prepared to pray and engage with our neighbors to pray.
Now, please, do not take that wrong. I am only saying, we do not always know the time — and I said to my husband, I believe the great division that is still raging against President Trump and the changes for good that are taking place, are a true picture of the best of times and the worst of times.
Beloved, I am not the only one who has prophesied that this major change we are in is “the best of times and the worst of times!”
We have had inflation. We have received the fear of not enough. We have been told that we must have guns, etc
Even so, The LORD continues to remind me, the Fight for Freedom has also come with a price of persecution for those standing for Truth.
The past season has prepared us with Perseverance to carry us through all Persecution.
We are rapidly moving toward turnaround and true Revival that The LORD has promised.
So, prepare!
Prepare your hearts as you look up and receive the joy set before you!
Of course, be wise and prepare your pantry with more than enough… your neighbor might not be prepared.
But, beloved, remember — God always provides all our needs. Only believe!
We are in a time of great faith, promises kept, and a time of triumph over trauma and victory over despair.
It is always good to have food and enough to share. This is an hour to feed the multitudes with The Love of God.
There has never been a greater time to share the story of the one who multiplied the food to feed all!
I feel to share a short story that many probably have heard me share but nevertheless, I hear The LORD say, “Share what I taught you!”
When I came back from my outreach after my school in YWAM, The LORD spoke in many ways that I was to stay in Asia and return to Singapore.
So I went back but when I arrived in Singapore, I had very little money and no food.
As I was given a place to stay at the YWAM base, a man who was visiting listened to my story of my outreach time in Indonesia, when my interpreter throw my suitcase overboard with all my clothes and my new Bible — because he said it was weighing down our small boat.
I was traveling to minister to some women and children across the water to a place in the jungle.
The man went out and bought me a Bible just like the one that I lost. He soon left to return home, but sent his driver back to feed me until I was able to receive some support from the USA.
I stayed on staff there and served a well known teacher who was at the base for a few days.
I was now on staff and managing the kitchen and I also served the current speakers.
When she was preparing to leave, I was serving her breakfast and she said The LORD told her I was one of the reasons she was still there, and He said she was to give me all of her clothes.
I was astonished and full of tears when I tried them on they just ‘happened’ to fit me perfectly.
I only say this to say, I believe The LORD is going to give many people those kinds of Faith experiences in the days we are now in!
I hear The LORD say, “Never forget, I AM the Captain of your ship!
Tell the people, many of you have been like a ship in deep water, but your ship will not sink and you will not drown for you are being washed clean with My Fresh Living Waters.
You have been in some strong winds and deep storms — but I have been with you.
The enemy has created a sea of deep deception with wave after wave of lies and corrupt thinking, but I AM giving you eyes to see through My Perspective, that will carry you to your destination.
There is a battle that is raging over your testimony and destiny.
The enemy came to drown out my Voice with the many floods that brought destruction all across the land.
I have seen the hearts of My People who are striving to swim in the deep waters of loss and despair.
I AM on the scene and I AM preparing their new beginning.
Many shall come to know Me in a personal way as they receive My Hand of Blessing.
Time is of the essence. Make every moment of every day count for time is fleeting!
In this moment, I calling forth My Army to seize the day that looms straight ahead.
It shall be a time when you will move forward beyond the persecution that is increasing daily.
Those believers who are standing firm against the darkness and manipulation of those in authority are being positioned under the shadow of My Wing for they are trusting with their whole hearts.
Many are being lifted out of the depths of disappointment to ride the coming waves of true Revival!
I say to you, the fullness of time has come for many of the prophecies spoken over you in the past to come forth!
Persecution and Perseverance shall work for your good — for I AM a Promise Keeper.”
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Thank you for your excellent post. It’s 5:44 am where I am, and your post was one of the first things I read this morning.
May God continue to bless and keep you.
Dear Janice, Thank you so much! I receive that blessing!!I am always grateful to hear a response from those the Lord spoke to. May the goodness of the Lord go before you and put your feet on the path of His divine direction for you and your purpose! In His love, Sandi
Sandi, what a Beautiful story of how you were provided with food, a Bible and clothes that fits perfect. It reminded me of how Jesus while on Earth, never had much while ministering to many people that prepared Him for His Ultimate Purpose.
Not long ago someone asked me “how do you do it? – the lack.” I responded that I focus on PURPOSE. I love this Word TURNAROUND and REVIVAL time because He is a Promise Keeper.
Jennifer, thank you so much. I am forever grateful for the things I was taught about His supply and directions and I can tell you HE has always done that for me. I have told the story of traveling with my son to China and my passport and all my personal identity and purse was stolen in the airport but GOD! He is our everything. I agree with you TURNAROUND and REVIVAL time is exciting just knowing it is on the way because as I said He is a Promisekeeper. What I tell my husband all the time is if he did it for me and he did it for my son who has been a YWAM leader and advisor for almost 40 years now, He will do it for anyone who believes. God bless you ever so richly as you move forward in these amazing times!! xoxo Sandi
Thank you, Sandi. After suffering such an unfortunate turn of events, another step for reducing weight onboard could have become jettison of the captain, but that would likely have run contrary to the goals of the mission. Correct, Lord?
Oops, I mean interpreter (Microsoft Dave was reading to me while I was in another room). Seems the (Muslim?) fellow didn’t like what he was having to say, just a guess… excellent.
Absolutely, Arlen. I am blessed to have traveled to so many nations and had so many experiences of loss and God supplying miraculously. My passport was stolen in China one time when I was traveling with my son and a YWAM team but God miraculously gave me an extraordinary adventure and an Angelic experience. HE IS DEFINITELY the SAME, YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER! Many blessings to you, Sandi
WOW most definitely confirmation! It is a TURNAROUND and REVIVAL time! That was so amazing what you went through and it shows God provides no matter what circumstance we are in and I think we all have had life lessons that has made us and formed us for what God has planned for us, He is the Promise Keeper Hallelujah! Yes this is the best of times and the worst of times and the MOST exciting of times I am glad that I was born when I was born to behold what our LORD is going to do in this nation and on the earth. Hugs Pam
Pam, how exciting these times are! Yes Turnaround shall bring Revival but as I was thinking Revival will also bring Turnaround. Yes, indeed, nothing like life lessons. They are written on our hearts. Just think, we shall BEHOLD HIM is not just a song!!! Hugs to you, Sandi
So, here’s a lovely thought. I wonder who the LORD BLESSED with your suitcase! :)
All things work together for good for those who love the LORD, for those who are the called according to HIS PURPOSE!
Sherry, Indeed, that is the bottom line. He uses everything for good. Just as He used Jean Darnall’s life long example to prove HE always outgives us! Many blessings to you as you continue to see both sides of the coin…always meaning HE pays for what we give in many different ways. All the best, Sandi