Prayers Needed: Israel, USA & Other Nations
I started this as a reply/ comment to Stephen Hanson’s Word, regarding the division of America, as The LORD had me share on that before.
BUT THEN The LORD RELEASED ME to share more information. So I’m sharing, as He leads.
This was what Stephen shared:
I believe that what The LORD had me share in 2007, agrees with GOD’s Word through Stephen, regarding a possible division of The United States of America.
The earliest Word I received was in 2007, when Condoleeza Rice under George W. Bush, was threatening to vote to divide Israel at the conference she was leading, in the US.
Thankfully it didn’t happen then, as people prayed.
I don’t currently have access to the 2007 Word, but the map shared by Stephen (above) is the same area of division The LORD showed me at the time, down the Mississippi River, where I saw a huge chasm from an earthquake that divided the nation.
There was lots of death and destruction in the Vision.
Part of that area of division is in the New Madrid Fault line, that has had a major earthquake in the past.
See: “New Madrid Seismic Zone“ and “Possible causes of the New Madrid earthquakes“.
Had people not prayed in 2007, I believe this would have been a judgment against the USA for taking part in dividing Israel.
So on January 31, 2023 The LORD had me share a part of the 2007 Word, as follows on
This is part of that Word:
[Condoleezza Rice organized the Annapolis Conference of November 27, 2007, which focused on finding a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem.]”
Should there be another opportunity to choose for unity or division of Israel and the USA is a part of it, then the USA needs to choose Unity as a Nation for Israel.
Without choosing that Israel stay united as a nation and keep the name GOD gave it, then I believe the USA will face very direct judgement, as GOD has already warned what it will be.
GOD doesn’t play concerning Israel, or any of His Beloveds.
When Israel deserves consequences, GOD gives it to them as they are earned. Just read the Book of Jeremiah.
Pray that the USA does not agree with division of Israel, or its GOD-given name being changed.
God created Israel, as His people that He would rule and reign over them as their KING, not a human king. Just look at what happened when they wanted a king and GOD gave them Saul.
In one of the Visions I saw leaders of these Nations: USA, Great Britain, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and others meeting secretly.
They talked of a Civil War in Israel. I saw shadows, darkness, and demons in the room.
The nations in the meeting decided the plight of Israel, at that time. All was agreed between them and the meeting concluded.
I don’t believe the decision was favorable for Israel, because of the darkness, shadows, demons and the overall heaviness in the room, which didn’t leave when the meeting was over.
But we know repentance and intercession of all kinds can change the outcome of events.
Israeli people are unhappy with the government of Netanyahu. So the people may be pushed into a civil war.
Secret Societies and others, have been involved in Israel heavily for hundreds of years, so any kind of war is always a choice they push, because that’s how they make money, through their use of fear, terrorism, intimidation, manipulation, control, and witchcraft.
As we know everyone always seems to want a piece of Israel, for their GLORY, not GOD’S.
PLEASE PRAY as The LORD leads you concerning the USA, Israel, and the other Nations involved in choosing the path Israel will take in the days ahead, that GOD’S WILL is done by all nations involved.
GOD WILL BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY in your prayers for Israel and all nations, that agree with His Will.
God Bless You!
~ Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer
Beverly Juelsgaard-Fischer (1952 – 2025)
ORAD POR LA PAZ DE JERUSALÉN, sean prosperados los que te aman.
Bev, I read this word when you first posted it and have now read all these great posts. Over the years I have been burdened over this fault line as well as the Seattle fault near Vancouver, BC. as was my dear American friend who is now with the Lord. Our Nations must align with Israel. Praying in agreement. O that our Nations would see the need to repent and call on the name of the LORD. The Lord bless and keep you!
Patricia ❤️
Bev, I read this word when you first posted it and have now read all these posts from our dear sisters. Over the years I have been burdened over this fault line as well as the Seattle fault near Vancouver, BC. as was my dear American friend who is now with the Lord. Canada must align with Israel. Praying in agreement. O that our Nations would see the need to repent and call on the name of the LORD. The Lord bless and keep you!
Patricia ❤️
We must stand firm with Israel and pray. May America and Israel stand together again. Powerful revelation, my friend. It sure gets our attention to the serious state we are in now. May we unite as one and pray as never before, Thanks so much for sharing. Love and blessings, dear sister, Sandi
You seem to be recovering from all the changes you’ve been through. So glad for you. Hope you are getting rested up some in between.
Yes, agree we must help Israel as GOD has directed us. All forms of intercession should help to get those prayer bowls dumped over on Israel, so they can be blessed through unity & maintaining their GOD-given name.
GOD knows we dont need Him angrier with us, over more sins!
Repentance & all forms of intercession need to be applied abundantly for Israel & the US to survive the days ahead.
GOD Bless you & your loved ones! Bev
Hi Beverly,
I noticed the same message as you had indicated above here. Over the last 25+ years I’ve received messages about the division here in the US, and while some indicate this as a possible division of land in Israel, the Lord has repeatedly shown to me that most of this forthcoming, is because of the great division in our own land here. We see as many perhaps see, the division between blacks and whites, Democrat/Republican, and the great monetary divide between rich and poor. I certainly don’t diminish the issue with this regarding Israel, as this has been said in scripture, but our divide here as a nation will eventually culminate in that great rift opening-up and totally changing the entire map of the United States.
Much is coming, as some of us know, and a golden age here upon earth is not what is promised, but a new temple and life in the new city which will come as the New Jerusalem.
Again, God bless and amen,
Stephen Hanson
So good to hear from you! Your posts have run parallel to what the LORD has shown me several times & you have helped give me strength, in your resilience to stand. Thank you so much. You’ve been a blessing for me.
Division, yes comes in many forms. Interesting you brought that up. The town I used to live in was labeled “the last capitol of the south” because Jefferson Davis signed the papers there to end the war, before he fled south to escape. So all the spirits with the civil war decided to stay, because they had no where else to go, since his signature ended the war. So as division played a huge part in the war, there are many kinds of division that reside there, with Division being their principality over them. So the ones you named are all there & more!
BUT GOD,I believe will deliver them as He’s shown me revival there, & then breaking out up & down the east coast. So I believe He has great plans for them in His timing, if they will REPENT & INTERCEDE STRONGLY.
Agree with you on the golden age some are trying to push for now. It isn’t part of GOD’S TIMING OR ORDER for now.
Also agreed in the Word you shared mention of a push for another type of ruler. I had heard that 1.5-2 years ago, & STRONGLY HEARD, “NO!” then. GOD didn’t want Israel to have that, & I dont believe we are to either.
Thank you so much for responding & sharing. GOD BLESS you & your loved ones! Bev
Dear Bev –
Such confirmation here. Back in the early 80s, I had dreams of earthquakes and tsunamis and missile attacks – across the land. As you can guess, no one wanted to hear that. Yet I know the Lord has shown this to many of His intercessors as well.
As you said, when His people prayed, destruction ‘was’ averted. But now in our nation, with those in power openly cursing Israel, I know judgment (what kind and when, only God knows) will not be averted. At best- delayed.
Look at Ninevah. Sodom n’ Gomorrah. America has thumbed her nose at God once too often. His mercy alone is why we weren’t consumed. But God is not mocked. America is in the crosshairs – we need national repentance. Thank you
Yes, His mercy, grace, & all the times He’s already forgiven the people & nation of America is why we still exist, I believe. For we arent deserving of it as a nation. We have done so much that has grieved Him greatly.
I’m just so grateful for everything He is to us & for those who have received salvation so far, with many more to come.
God knows we need all the help we can get from Him!
My hope is many will wake up & realize what they are missing without a true relationship with Him & come running into His arms & never leave Him. For He truly is our Hope & Salvation in the days ahead.
I didnt have anything on missiles in the past, but have seen earthquakes, & tsunamis several times.
Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless you! Bev
Pastor John Kilpatrick told of a dream he had years ago of this very thing! An earthquake of huge magnitude through the Midwest towns of Europa and Indianola. David Wilkerson told of seeing the same in his book The Vision from the early 1970s.
E Jones,
WOW! Thank you for sharing. I wasn’t aware that either of them had had the same dream.
I know how real it seemed to me when I saw it. It was horrifying & so sad for those who lived along that area and lost everything, including their lives for many.
Yes, Dear One. Many, many prayers & repentance. We have so messed up as a nation so many times. God forgiving would truly be a grand miracle we dont deserve for treating Him so badly for so long. GOD BLESS YOU! Bev