Prayer Without Ceasing — A Controversy
Did you know that praying without ceasing isn’t something that we do in a manner that makes us feel burned out?
The LORD lives within us by the power of The Holy Ghost and many of us struggle daily in our prayer life.
How do we learn to pray without ceasing?
When we learn to pray without ceasing, we learn a life lesson!
When we finally understand that it is God with us (Emmanuel) our attitude changes.
Learning how to develop our love relationship with The LORD is understanding that we have already passed through The Holy of Holies by a new and living way, that is by The LORD’s flesh.
Jesus paid for the passage whereby we have access to The Holy Spirit anytime we want.
We may have the best spouse, but just think, Jesus is the ultimate spouse, and he never fails us or forsakes us — ever!
The LORD longs to have Fellowship with us everywhere we go, and through everything we do!
Just think, we can just talk to Him as if you’re speaking to your spouse!
Praying without ceasing, is understanding that we have a constant awareness of His Presence, and He desires that we want to have fellowship in all our endeavors. When we leave to do business in this world, we take Him with us!
He wants us to know that He is in us, but as a disciple of Christ, it takes us to discipline ourselves.
This is not some legalistic act, but a love attempt in beginning to take our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ.
That means we bring our thoughts captive by focusing our mind, will, and emotions to silence ourselves, because He cannot compete — nor will He — with all the clamor and clutter of our thoughts that keep us distracted from the simplicity of Christ!
The LORD wanted Fellowship and Communication with man, not someone who had to fellowship, but someone who chose to fellowship motivated — by Love.
The LORD created a human being, not a human doing. Learning to be — and learning to do — are two opposing facts.
Learning to be, is to accept totally that Christ loves you unconditionally.
Learning to be, as a human doing — never ends. Because when we are striving to try and please The LORD in our flesh — and it always leads us to spiritual burn out.
The LORD came to Adam in the cool of the day and wanted to fellowship, to communicate, and enjoy each other. Of all the created beings, human beings were free to choose God — or reject Him.
Learning to pray without ceasing is learning to keep our thoughts and minds stayed on Him, as if you are talking with someone right there with you! And you are!
Because The LORD wants to walk with us through it all, and living fully with Christ isn’t fragmented, it is finally seeing our entire lives in Him, where there is nothing missing, nothing broken, and nothing fragmented.
But why do we see so many who are living fragmented lives?
We want The LORD 100% in our lives, but we seem to fall so short.
The lie we believe, is that there is something I am not doing right.
We can never base our Christian lives on feelings — because they are fleeting.
We base our lives and prayers on Faith, trusting Him no matter how we feel.
Silence is not a bad thing — and when we begin our day, we should ask for Forgiveness, and then begin our day seeking His Will.
However, it is not because we’ve got to feel a certain way. No! We start our day in obedience to His Word asking for His Hand to rest upon us greatly.
When we are praying without ceasing, we learn that we are prepared — both in season and out of season — to speak to others about our Living God!
“Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV
The LORD is always with us. We must learn that and know it because it is by Faith.
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD (Romans 10:17). So even when He is silent, He is there.
Talking to God isn’t always a “good feeling” — because we cannot go by feelings.
We must know God’s Character and Nature, so that when we pray without ceasing, we know it is by Faith and His great Love toward us.
Yes, it is wonderful to sense and feel The LORD when we pray — but He is there anyway! Even through tests and trials — He never leaves us or forsakes us!
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17 KJV
In our growth as true disciples of Christ, we must learn that He wants to go wherever we go and be involved in all our lives.
Remember, it is God with us, and be aware that you take The LORD wherever you go.
In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey
Sherry Edwards Mackey
Please Note: Publications and or prophecy taken from this may be used to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. The articles taken must be used according to it’s entirety with credits. Thank you kindly!
So timely and relatable words. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.