HomeProphecyPray for the USA & Canada! — Revelation Pt. 2


Pray for the USA & Canada! — Revelation Pt. 2 — 3 Comments

  1. Beverly, July 15th

    Shalom Sister,

    I believe THIS post is a very strategic post- with spiritual-military KEY LAND LINE prayer directives. I am sending it out to the intercessors I know to start praying now about this! This post is very important – bless you for your obedience in sending this.

    With your permission- I want to forward this post out all over.

    – In fact, I strongly encourage you to send it to Dutch Sheets, Chuck Pierce (Glory of Zion), Bishop Bill Hamon (Christian Int’l), Cindy Jacobs (Generals of Intercession) and whatever key prophetic generals in the country. I really believe it’s that urgent the saints come now in UNITY – pray in agreement- to THWART thus diabolic plan of the adversary. Now is the time to lay the foundation in intercession.

    Blessings – Elizabeth

  2. Bev, Am praying over trains and tracks in Ont. and Quebec. We have one that goes through 24/7 that is a 1/2,mile straight line from us.  Also for your waterways etc. The train may go from Montreal to Toronto with switches. Ottawa is one hr. North of here.  One derailed in Prescott 10 km west of here years ago. Saturday we walked along the Saint Lawrence Seaway(Prescott) I have prayed each time we travel by it and at home. There is warfare over this! Also a strong Masonic stronghold up the Seaway Valley. I don’t drive so rely on my husband to go pray. The Lord brought me here for such a time as this. Kingston is an hour from here on Lake,Ontario. We are between Prescott and Iroquois, On. Have my prayer atlas and see our connections. Thinking of you and thankyou

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